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Denis Moltine

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  1. They´re only fully remastering the exclusives... I don´t know if they can port the full Re: Coded since it´s a Nintendo exclusive, but since they MADE the story, we get the cinematics... Maybe it´s part of a deal with Nintendo, SE can´t fully port the game, but can port the cinematics.... Idk if I´m making any sense in this matter, but I think it´s too much of a coincidence 2 of the Nintendo exclusives get only cutscenes... I was looking forward to play 358/2 Days and reacted just like that... At least I have a DS, so this problem for me is at least minimized... Anyways, KH2 is one of my all-time favorites, and being able to play FM is awesome... I had an PSP in the past but never felt playing a KH game in a portable (I have a 3DS and don´t have DDD, for example...) and having the chance of playing BBS on full screen is amazing, seeing most players talking so much about this game (and the relevance of the story behind it) makes me want to play it more (and regret I didn´t play on PSP)... FOR THE LOVE OF GOD, RELEASE THIS ALREADY!!!
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