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Official Bowtie Artist

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Everything posted by Official Bowtie Artist

  1. HP1 "Now, let's try jumping!" "We're going to teach you how to climb!" "You're getting the hang of this!" HP2 "To Jump, run to the ledge and press the right mouse button." "Harry, you need to get over to this ledge over here!" "Harry!" It just seems like Fred and George have far more patience with Harry than Ron did.
  2. Keep in mind, I haven't done watercolors in YEARS. I never really worked with watercolor before that, either. So when I was told to work on a Kingdom Hearts watercolor as a challenge, you can tell I might have been a bit nervous/worried about the outcome. Besides, you guys know me, I do digital art, not watercolor! BUT...with time and dedication, I was actually able to work on it to a point where it came out wonderfully. I didn't finish the zipper or the pillars, sadly, and now I can't because the person who challenged me is no longer in contact. But I think it turned out great considering I have no real experience in watercolor.
  3. Finally working on more KH pictures. Been a long time since releasing new art.

  4. M.o.M. here stands for Master of Masters, one of the two hooded figures in X/Unchained X. You know, I've actually thought about this. I've had feelings for a long time now that NO ONE is the traitor. You plant an idea in a group's head, and it'll either thrive from it or be torn apart from it. Like Sherlock's Season 2, where everyone started thinking the killer was the wrong guy just because doubt was planted in everyone's heads. I honestly believe that you're right, this is all just a test to see they loyalty of the Foretellers. Maybe also a test to see how strong they are together versus separated?
  5. Didn't Lea approach Yen Sid on his own terms? From the scene, I mean. I get you're talking about "Nomura vs. Characters", but from the character's perspective, Lea himself seemed to want to get a Keyblade. It wasn't forced on him by the other characters, it wasn't just to fill a hole in a list of Yen Sid's or King Mickey's, he chose that role.
  6. DoctorArtist is 95% sin. https://en.shindanmaker.com/593415
  7. Why must you plague my life with incidental music?!

    1. Soul_Seeker


      I fill in all the boxes with z's, because everytime I do a crossword, I just snore.

  8. Promise the truth to eternity. Promise no lies for forever.

  9. Hey, Sora96, I've been trying to look closely in that Final Fantasy VII Remake trailer, but I'm not seeing Auron at all. Are you sure he's there? If so, perhaps you could help me with finding him?
  10. Almost finished with my Markiplier picture! Woo!

  11. I've done a look around, and it seems that the error code has not yet been solved, and there are a lot of people having the exact same issue. ( A good reason why I haven't gone to Windows 10 yet...to young of an OS, too many problems. )
  12. I can't tell if the original is playing in the background, I kept thinking that it was. If it wasn't, this guy is awesome! I love seeing things like this. Smooth McGroove does really good video game acapellas if you're interested. This Kazoo guy though, he's going into my watch list!
  13. Whelp, I've finally made it to the level where I'm comfortable enough to make fanart of a very particular person. And so far, it is turning out BRILLIANT!

    1. Oli


      Your Xion drawing was great, you're very talented.

    2. Official Bowtie Artist

      Official Bowtie Artist

      Whoh, thank you very very much!

  14. A long time ago, I did a picture called "One Hour Xion", where I debuted my first picture of Xion. I was proud of it, having only taken an hour to make. However, I didn't feel like I payed enough to one of my favorite characters. I didn't put enough EFFORT. Enough TIME. So, I recently went back to the drawing board. Turned one hour into quite a few, turned anger into a smile, and put Xion back onto my canvas once more. Here she is again, after a little over a year. Hello again, Xion.
  15. Me personally, I'd say get it only if you had some idea of the original stories put into the series. Playing a game like Heroes, I feel as though one might want to connect to a character and go "oh, I remember this" or "wow, they really improved that!" rather than just "oh hey, picking random stranger who wears red. I liek red." When I originally saw the announcement trailer, I found it to be a nostalgic bring-back sort of game. "Remember all of these characters from your childhood? Boom!" sorta thing. But hey, that's just my opinion.
  16. Keep us up to date on this as the event unravels, I personally want to know what happens, if you get your merchandise or not, how an appeal went if you didn't get it, etc. And as someone said before, yeah, always always ALWAYS check reviews, stars, ratings, etc, when it comes to sellers.
  17. I pretty much answer a poll on here when I'm on, but that's not very often I'm afraid.
  18. Halloween pictures done!

    1. Forever


      Sweeeeet!! :D How'd it turn out??

    2. Official Bowtie Artist

      Official Bowtie Artist

      I posted it in the Gallery on this site, have a looksie! It turned out really well, actually!

  19. This year's Halloween picture, done late but better late than never! Took me a few days, a few hours each day. Let me know what you guys think!
  20. Sweetness! It is definitely a complex show when it comes to the timeline, so, yeah. Plus, I'm into Art History, so there's a lot of places they go and people they meet that gives me a smile sometimes. Talk to me if you get to any good parts that stand out! I'm a complete nerd when it comes to the series.
  21. Irony, me seeing this and you having your DW signature, you. "Doctor Artist" was a name made up as a nickname by my friend/companion. We met at SacAnime Convention, and she saw my art. I was drawing a lot of stuff that day, mainly Doctor Who characters. She ended up complimenting me about them, then questioned my cosplay. You see, I was wearing what today is known as the Doctor Artist outfit, but at the time it was absolutely nothing. I pretty much just threw on a bunch of clothes from my closet that I never wear, anything that reminded me of the Doctor, y'know? After explaining, she pretty much combined my idea with my art, and called me the Doctor's Artist, then lightbulb, she officialized it as Doctor Artist, and I've kept it ever since. It ended up sticking, made some artwork of the "Doctor Artist" and kept going to Cons as such, and people liked it, so it just stuck as a character and visual persona of my art pieces.
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