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Everything posted by TheFrozenNobody

  1. What if all the boys on kingdom hearts was girls and all the girls on kingdom hearts was boys personally i think that would ruin the game how about you guys lol
  2. yea i am im looking forward to seeing the story line with the amazing hd
  3. no that will just give the creators a idea to combine ff and kingdoms which would ruin kingdom hearts and final fantasy
  4. it wont work since sora going to have to save everyone with riku and karai help it wouldn't make sense there going have to save xion/roxas/aqua/terra/ventus so how would any of them get there own story line?
  5. Storyline its just saw lovely it made me cry laugh etc it gave me the will to live on
  6. kingdom hearts 3 is a long time away we should be thinking about how there going to start it not finish it lol
  7. i was just wondering who they was going to use in kingdom hearts 4 people stop bothering me
  8. well im sorry for making a useless thread it can be deleted if needed the boy who helped sora and that guy who was the boy friend idk the names sadly
  9. after kingdom hearts 3 do you guys thing there going to use the people in dream drop distance as the main characters for a new saga i do
  10. guys im thinking maybe it could be a online game like everyone can just pick a character and go in twilight town chat/pvp that shouldn't be to hard to make
  11. thx for the welcome and i am thx for the welcome lol and thx for the welcome thxs for the welcome
  12. thx for the welcome and ikr thx for the welcome and i am enjoying it here thx for the welcome and we will get along just fine even tho your the copy of me kairi thx for the welcome and i hope i do
  13. thx for the welcome and i hope i enjoy it here to haha thx for the welcome and the nice joke thx for the welcome and i hope its a good crazy teehee
  14. Hi Everyone im new to the forums i guess and when i talk i some times role play xion lol (im a guy) teehee
  15. do you guys think kingdom hearts 3 will have online because after people beat it maybe they can vs other players in battle or something since this is the last kingdom hearts game it should go out with bang
  16. i think they will so they can test what they can do with online for kingdom hearts 3 if kingdom hearts 3 will have online ;(
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