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sora x kairi

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Everything posted by sora x kairi

  1. hey its been a while i havent talked with u in a while

  2. Hey! how are u :)

    1. mddidi2


      i'm doing very well :) how are you doing ?

      and have a wonderful day by the way :)

    2. sora x kairi

      sora x kairi

      Thanks and i am good thanks

    3. sora x kairi

      sora x kairi

      How are you doing this Friday


  3. hey how arw you doing :3

    1. sora x kairi

      sora x kairi

      I hope you had a lovely weekend ;3

    2. sora x kairi

      sora x kairi

      Hi! How are you Today!

    3. sora x kairi

      sora x kairi

      Hey how are u doing today

  4. hi how are you today :)

    1. sora x kairi

      sora x kairi

      Has it oh sorry lol

    2. Toominator


      yeah im on the East Coast lol and I just woke up a couple hours ago

    3. sora x kairi
    4. Show next comments  15 more
  5. hey how are you doing this Saturday :)

    1. Trece the Xam ( ▀ ͜͞ʖ▀)

      Trece the Xam ( ▀ ͜͞ʖ▀)

      I'm doing quite well actually! How about you?

    2. sora x kairi

      sora x kairi

      I am doing fine :) Good to hear you are Quite well Xamtehwt MC (Trece) :)

  6. hey how are u doing today :)

  7. hey how are u doing today :)

  8. hi how are you doing today :3

  9. hi how are you today :)

    1. sora x kairi

      sora x kairi

      Sure id love to hear about it :)

    2. sora x kairi

      sora x kairi

      Hey how have you been its been a while since we spoke :3

    3. Mr. Boba

      Mr. Boba

      Oh geez, sorry! It's been so long and I've been seriously busy with college and all that -.-;;

    4. Show next comments  15 more
  10. i know ive already said my bit but i Thought to write this piece of writing that i think sums Thank you up in a light of Beauty towards the KH13 Staff Thank You. Your one of the Special People. Who Always tries to give. Who Makes This World A Better Place. Just By The Way You Are. You Try to care for others. You Do the Best You Can. If Anyone is in Need Of Help. Your always there to lend a hand. You Never Ask for anything or want something in return. Your always there and you are happy to be there. Thank You
  11. well .i am Thankful for the staff to be here they have done so much for all of us through times and times again and its hard to thank with words but i do thank the whole KH staff for being the best and helping out members when they need a shoulder to cry on if they are upset or need someone to talk to so here i say again Thank you all the KH 13 Staff your all Amazing and i don't know what i would do if you guys weren't here. Thank you for everyday you put your hearts and souls out to every member on KH13. Your always there to listen when members are in need for help and i am greatful to say thanks for everything you've done in the past you guys are the best and always be the best forever. The KH staff always work there hardest to do things everyday for all us members and i can say from one of the sweet kindest KH Staff member WakelessDream helped me out with something on this site that was to do with another member i do thank her so much for helping me and so the other KH13 Staff too that helped you guys are all ace and you all have kind sweet hearts and all of you make the KH13 Community be the way it is because of how much you put your best in helping others and being Kind
  12. thank u and when u try your best ur work shines Felixx
  13. its Quiet alright Felixx i love your video i do home you make more like this one because ill always be there to comment to everything you have done because truthfully i love your work as well as others but i really like this video you created and you placed your whole work into it so well done Felixx!
  14. In life not Everything you have your heart on goes in the right direction but if you look deep inside yourself you might see that you can continue on with things in life even if they go righr or wrong :3

    1. sora x kairi

      sora x kairi

      * Right or Wrong


  15. How Is EveryOne Today

  16. Felixx Oh my Gosh! I love your Video for KH with the Sountrack Coming Home it Goes Great with the Video i love it and i hope to see more like it its so amazing!
  17. Stefan you are very talented in all forms that talent comes in but you hold all talents and you earn the best from other views and i am happy that you are so successful in your works that you do and what you do you may get somewhere really special with your skills that's the truth
  18. Really epic Video Stefan its so ace i really love it you should really be proud of all your work because everything that you are doing is amazing and awesome
  19. hi how are u today :3

    1. sora x kairi

      sora x kairi

      Omg Yes i do do you

    2. HeartlessAqua


      Yup. :3 Which one was your favorite? I like the original series a lot and think it's better, but I actually love GX more. It's a lot more funny and exciting and weird. xP

    3. sora x kairi

      sora x kairi

      Well the original ones were pretty cool i used to watch them all the time but its part time now but i do love both of them they both are really good :3

    4. Show next comments  15 more
  20. aw that's a really cute photo of Serah! She looks adorable in Chibi epic Work LostMemory123
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