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Tyren Namikaze

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Everything posted by Tyren Namikaze

  1. I'm BACK! HOW IS EVERYONE? I know that the wait for KH3 is long........but don't worry it will come.
  2. Sora and riku had to go thru two journeys to gain that experience under their belt. I just don't see kairi being that good before the war.
  3. Me too.....my friend.......me too. I dunno......i think it'll be enough to the point where she could defend herself....i don't she'll be keyblade master material in my opinion.
  4. Agreed, she should be a little bit more like Aqua. As much as sora needs to be a little bit more like riku when it comes to darkness/xehanort and everything. KH3D made that clear....
  5. I have......but i still have my doubts. I don't mean this in offense to any kairi fans but everytime i see her, she doesn't scream keyblade wielder......i always see princess.
  6. Well, just because you're a keyblade wielder it doesn't suddenly mean you're useful... I dunno......she kinda proved us wrong in KH2.
  7. That Kairi will actually be a useful protagonist in KH3 instead of a cliche damsel of distress that's also the main hero's ( Sora) love interest. I know i come off a kairi hater, but I'm not. I actually have faith she'll be my prediction. What do you guys think? Do you want Kairi to be a useful character? Or just be stuck in her useless ways?
  8. I honestly ship VenXAqua. I don't know why, but i find it kinda hot. I know there's people out there who want Her with terra, and their age difference. But i say screw it, what do you guys think?
  9. If you could go out on a date with anyone from the KH cast, who would it be? My personal pick would be Aqua for alot of "unique" reasons.....Jk. anyway, who would you pick?
  10. How would you guys feel if square made a completely different outcome featuring him defeating the lights and obtaining Kingdom Hearts? Except it's an ending you have the option to choose like how the main character/player has to make this huge decision that'll decide the game. Personally, i wouldn't mind that or theMX ending........
  11. Feel free to tell who's your personal favorite or least favorite. My favorites are Xemnas and Roxas and least are demyx and zexion. What about you?
  12. As Always, we've all been dedicated and loyal fans to the KH series. But how long have you been? And most importantly, when was the first time you saw KH? Personally, I've been a fan ever since I was 7-8 years old and somehow i never stopped being one. And I remember seeing KH2 for the first time thinking: "HOLY SH**!!!!! I gotta get this game!" and it was the best decision i ever made. But what about you guys? What are your nostagic MEMORIES about KH? Heck, even a moment when you felt like you wanted to quit? Which for me was alot.......
  13. I'm not going based off her appearance. Because if I was, this topic would not have been uploaded....LOL. However.......
  14. I'm not a Namine' Hater.....( Even Though I prefer Xion) I just think she really brought nothing to the series except being the carrier of Sora's Memories. I actually do like her to some extent, I think she's more important than Kairi. What do you guys Think? Do you like/ love or Dislike/ despise Namine? Also, do you think she brought anything to the series aside from being a "witch"?
  15. Agreed, but I also would want Xehanort to put some tension between the 7 lights.....like making them think one of them is on the 13 seekers side. and I am also expecting "the unexpected". Uh, What? or like Xion is Sora's Daughter.........LOL.
  16. How do you think the KH storyline should be? Do you believe the characters should be serious with a serious storyline and dramatic twists? Or should it be like something else? What do you guys think?
  17. In what KH game do you think sora was at his best in terms of combat, dialogue, appearance, etc? For me it was KH2...... Because his combat was amazing, and he was both serious and funny at the same time.
  18. Exactly, how are we actually going to defeat him? We can't take his heart away, he'll form another Ansem and Xemnas on our hands......then we can't take away his memory, because we'll also have some Xion-Xehanort type character. And finally we can't even destroy his past life ( Young Xehanort) because YX already said we can't change events destined to happen, and all that stuff. However, even if we do that it MEANS that Terra, aqua, ventus never suffered, Sora and his gang never were chosen, and others such as roxas, namine, xion, and Vanitas never existed. So how do you guys think we can kill Xehanort?
  19. Yeah, something like that.....but him dying, and coming back would make it look weak and poor storytelling don't you think?
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