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Everything posted by MasterRoxas13

  1. MasterRoxas13 review This was the best thing I have seen. The passion, the love , the desire in this man heart for this woman is truly remarkable. From the rice to being nice, Winner has finally unleashed his potential to the world while showing the proof of his winnings , I give this poem a 15/10
  2. When Sora turns around you will hear the mulan song play " I will make a man, out of you" lol and where is the rest of Sora's legs?
  3. I had a lucid dream that I was being chased by a dragon but then I escaped.

    1. MasterRoxas13


      Is this the circle of life or just the epitome of a dream?

    2. Soul Eater Evans

      Soul Eater Evans

      it means to wake up from reality.

    3. MasterRoxas13
    4. Show next comments  6 more
  4. Those who arive, survive.

    1. Demyx.
    2. MasterRoxas13


      Damn my plan was foiled, I just wanted to eat people , I would have gotten away with it too if it wasn't for you meddling kids and your stupid dog!

    3. Soul Eater Evans

      Soul Eater Evans

      It is such a good night to kiss.

      It is such a good night to dance.

      It is such a good night to





  5. So how about those spiders that were bleeding out of the walls at a family's home.

    1. Shulk


      As much as I know I'll regret asking this... Link?

    2. MasterRoxas13
    3. Shulk


      It took them THAT long to leave the house? I would have left after the first few spiders started bleeding out of the walls. Of course, I'm arachnophobic, so that might explain why I'd leave so quickly...


      Also, 6,000 spiders in the house during WINTER? Holy crap, I wouldn't want to be anywhere near a place with that many brown recluses in one area.

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  6. From what I played 5. Re chain of memories- I have not even finished with it because it is that bad, I think I will before I end up getting 2.5 4.KH 358/2 days Both KH1 and BBS are tied for 2nd I just can't choose between the two 1. KH2 because it is KH2 I never played Re coded and I only have a demo for KH 3D on my 3DS so idk how the full game is.
  7. What is your name girl ,whats your sign? ;)

    1. Soul Eater Evans
    2. MasterRoxas13


      This guy gets it, I was wondering who will get the reference.

    3. Gamerazor247
  8. That Avater episode was the best one, (they actually showed a little bit of Aang also) that I have seen in a while and that ending though :0

    1. Shana09


      The ending would've been better if the trailer didn't tell us. :c

    2. MasterRoxas13


      It did? the only reason why I know that Korra was going to meet toph is because someone spoiled the image on IGN for me lol.

  9. Well since there is almost no chance of KH3 coming next year I think it will go like this KH 3D remix ( maybe for PS3 or Wii U) more then likely next year KH3 sometime after 2015 but no later then 2018 since it should not take them longer then 2-3 more years to finsh the game since they are using a better engine now and that Nomura is fully working on it now with no other projects. KH BB V2 ( maybe for the PS Vita or PS4) should come out after KH3 since it will only just delay the game some more since it will be a brand new game( remaster don't take as long to make as a full fledge game) Then some years later a sequel to KH3 ( for the PS4 and XB1 and maybe the Wii U and/or PC)
  10. Ok I am in the mood to freestyle.

  11. I didn't know that Pandy is a girl!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I think your pretty though Pandy!!!
  12. The meanest fanbase now is PlayStation fanboys, last gen it was a tie between Sony fanboys and Microsoft fanboys but now that the PS4 is top dog sales wise they feel like they have to show off how great the PS4 is to articles, videos and topics that have nothing to do with the PS4. When ever there is a new video of a Xbox excusive or a cross platform game , Sony fanboys now always feel like they have to brag about how that the game is 1080p on the PS4 but is 900p or 720p on the Xbox One. It is a endless troll session but when Xbox fans do it back to them they like to play the victim , they annoy me at times with how they victimized themselves ( not saying the Xbox fanboys are saints). The Vita fanbase is pretty nice but how negative the PS4 fanbase is, it completely overshadows how good the Vita fanbase is. The meanest and worst fanbases go like this 1.Playstation fans ( which I am a part of) 2.PC fans ( I dislike PC gaming tbh so I doubt I will be getting into it anytime soon) 3.Microsoft fans ( which I am a part of) 4.Mobile/Tablet fans ( I plan on getting into mobile gaming soon) 5.Nintendo fans( which I am a part of)
  13. I swear Ubisoft is like that one girl who talks mess about her ex- boyfriend due to the fact that he doesn't have money like he use too so they break up but deep down she wants to get back with him But until then she is going to talk sh!t about him to her boy toys , Sony and Microsoft.
  14. You see how third party devs are shooting themselves in the head and stopping themselves from growing a install base on Nintendo consoles then saying its the fans fault : After last gen the install base on Nintendo console for non-Nintendo games shrink after the PS2 era, so instead of trying to increase it this gen they are just simply giving up and taking the easy route. In order to increase future sales on Nintendo platforms they have to show the fans that actually care about them instead of blaming on Wii U sales or fanbase. They make enough anyways from the other versions of games , so the whole " Nintendo needs to sell more consoles" excuse gets thrown out of the water. Lets just face the fact that all third party devs hate Nintendo platforms ( especially the Wii U). Its not going to change overnight, its not going to change at the end of the Wii U life cycle and even Nintendo's next gen console might face the same issues. This isn't all third parties fault but one side has to give eventually. ( its more then likely going to be Nintendo). If they didn't have to compete with Nintendo for software sales then maybe their attitude towards Nintendo would change What was their excuse again for not bringing Assassin's Creed Rouge to the Wii U again
  15. Everybody on here is talking about Smash Bros for the 3DS and I am still over here playing the demo :\

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. AuraAce


      2.5's DB is outstanding.

    3. AuraAce


      Also shoutout to He's A Pirate. They actually done it right this time.

    4. Exiblade7


      I'm going to wait until 2.5 comes out in North America to hear the music.

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  16. Yo that Attack on Titan episode though :0

    1. MasterRoxas13


      Yes I have cable and I am so tempted to watch the subs but I don't want to for some reason lol

    2. Kirie


      ive already watched the subs but still watch the english dubs

    3. MasterRoxas13


      Eren vs Annie was pretty good I am not even going to liem I can't wait until they fight again.

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  17. The Legend of Korra season 4 premire was pretty good

    1. Gamerazor247


      KORRA is pretty good

      Last Airvender IS LEGEND!!

    2. MasterRoxas13


      Both are equal imo but in there own aspects.

    3. Gamerazor247


      Just saw the episode.


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  18. Wow its October already. The older you get the faster time goes.

    1. MyDixieRect


      Wow, yeah, 16 was actually the exact age where time started flying by for me, scary! Heh, so time flies by when you're at the peak of your youth then slows down when your strength and all is passed, as if it wants you to feel weaker and less attractive for longer. Damn, life is too cruel sometimes. T.T

    2. Soul Eater Evans
    3. MasterRoxas13


      It could also explain why so many people talk about their times in high school , college and their 20s so much.

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  19. Oh man I want a PS4 so badly lol good that you finally have one I might be getting one for Christmas since that is the only thing I want.
  20. They kind of put themselves in a rut right now KH3 will take at least another 2 years to finish The only option to make up for KH3 not releasing in 2015 is a 3D HD remix The Wii U is the best option since it will be the smoothest transition and the fanbase is there to support it since the bulk of KH fanbase is on Sony and Nintendo platforms ( even if the Nintendo games are handhelds, a good amount of handheld gamers own consoles) but third party devs hate the Wii U so idk Porting the game to PS3 or PS4 would be tough since they would have to change the game from a two screen one into a one screen ,one. If they planned on a 3D remix to be on the PS3 they should have also put the full versions 358/2 days and re:coded on the PS3. idk about this either People can say "well Nomura wants to port all the games on one system" but 358/2 days and Re:coded are not on the same systems as the rest of the other games so they could make it easy for themselves and port it to the Wii U. The PS4 and Xbox One face the same issues as porting it to the PS3 ( turning a two screen game into a one screen game). People often said " well it was easier to port KH3 to Xbox One instead of the Wii U due to the architecture being similar" well now that the tables have turned and now it will be more convenient to port a KH game to the Wii U, but that is none of business lool, lmao jk
  21. I will be 20 next year but by 2020 I will be 25. I started playing KH back in 2002 when I was 7 so I will more then likely still play Kingdom Hearts in my mid to late 20s. Wbu
  22. What if BBS vol 2 is the beginning of the next trilogy which is set after KH3. Similar to how Birth by Sleep was the prequel to KH1 maybe Birth by Sleep Vol 2 is the direct prequel to KH4? My theory is it will go like this 2015: 3D HD late 2016:KH3 in Japan early to mid 2017: KH3 in the west 2018- 2020 Birth by Sleep Vol 2
  23. No one would care but the adults who are more then likely buying the game for the kids since most kids/teens don't work , they don't have the money to buy there own games so guess who will buy them for them? majority of decent parents actually care about how much of those adult situations are expose to there kids/teens, even if those teens are sexual active. When was the last time you seen a kids parents actually entertain the idea of buying a game for there kids when there are plenty of sexual situations in it? If you don't agree you might as well start shipping porn family nights sooner or later lmao lmfao It was a joke though : of course I would not say that unless I was joking, "think about the children" lol that whole phrase screams humor on here.
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