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Everything posted by RedPyramidHead

  1. This was great news to wake up to.
  2. KH3 is my pick. I like how mature it looks. Though it's really hard to pick a favorite, honestly.
  3. Just started reading this manga called "Doubt." T'spretty good so far. Ye. Lots of creepy rabbit stuff. Creepy rabbit stuff reminds me of HABIT. :D

    1. Show previous comments  9 more
    2. RedPyramidHead


      I think one of my favorite non-proxies is Jay, though I admit I have not watched MH recently. Sure, he makes a lot of bad decisions and last I saw of him he was practically swan-diving off the deep end straight into pure craziness, but hey. Still a favorite.

    3. Elrandir


      I feel sorry for Jay in the latest entries, you should see them. Speaking of MH, I can't wait until "The Operator" movie! Doug Jones is going to be The Operator.

    4. RedPyramidHead


      Oooh, I know!! I'm so excited!! Speaking of all this, I haven't really been keeping up with a lot of these series...not a problem I'm going to remedy right now, however, seeing as it's midnight and that's generally a bad time to be scaring myself senseless.

  4. My best friend (Fruitninja21) showed me the sight and I lurked around for a long time until she convinced me to make a profile. And I am certainly happy I listened!
  5. Hi! I'm Red. It's nice to meet you! ^_^
  6. Spring Break wooOOOOOOO. Shame I have so many lines to memorize for Acting before it's over...

  7. Both Amnesia games, though I nearly fearquit several times in the first one. I also finished The Path in one sitting, which was much more difficult, trying to get all the secret stuff. :') Other than those fun lil horror games, KH2 and KH3D.
  8. Heavy Rain, as stated by several above me. Though if it's a movie, that makes it one of my favorite movies of all time...
  9. I'd probably start with Beginner, just because I like to focus on the story at first. Then I'll run back through it on the hardest difficulty.
  10. Sooooo bored. At least I've got Pokemon Mystery Dungeon to help with that. Bring on the Darkrai boss fight!!

    1. Shulk


      That fight was pure evil to me as a kid. ._.

    2. RedPyramidHead


      I don't even know if I'm at a high enough level for it. I'm just going for it and seeing how it turns out. X)

  11. Waaaah, Diancie is so adorable!! And a rock/fairy type? It seems I've already found a new favorite. I really hope I can get it when it's really released...
  12. I'd probably want to be a Sableye. Those things are adorable.
  13. I'm in total agreement on playing Kairi. She's got a Keyblade - now let's see her really use it! I want to see her as a real hero now. She's one of my favorite characters, so playing as her would be awesome.
  14. The days of searching through all our tabs to find that one irritating little ad or such are over. Thank goodness.
  15. Oh no. I think I'm getting sick again. Bring on the fever! Though with finals this week, it might not be such a good thing...

  16. Funny how migraines appear and disappear so fast. Not so funny when they hurt so bad, though. @__@

  17. My two combinations are Crown of Guilt/Lunar Eclipse and Unbound/Sign of Innocence. I'd probably fight with magic a whole lot; I'm not that strong of a person.
  18. Wooooah, no thank you. 0_0 It's a reference to Pyramid Head from the Silent Hill series... I think we'll get along fine, then! I love Kairi, seriously. One of my favorite characters.
  19. I think I'm supposed to make a topic here? Haha I don't even know. I'm a friend of Fruitninja21 that just decided to make an account here after a loooooong time of lurking around. I don't bite, I swear! Kingdom Hearts is just about one of my favourite things in the world, which is majorly different from the variety of other things that fill my mind, like Silent Hill, Amnesia, and Penumbra. It's really cool to finally be here.
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