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About Ausba

  • Birthday 04/15/1993

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  1. Actually, if I'm reading this right, it's both 1.5 and 2.5 game discs so it's actually closer to $80. The extras are probably well over $20 so I'm very okay with this price. I was honestly expecting $150.
  2. Unfortunately, I have not. I will have to look into this however as I've finished the Wheel of Time series. Thank you very much for the suggestion! Thank you, I am looking forward to meeting and spending virtual time with all these great people!
  3. Greetings one and all to my fellow Kingdom Hearts fans! I am Austin and I too, like the rest of you, could not live without this series. Let's see, when I'm not playing this series, you can find me at college earning a degree in Computer Information Systems. Aside from the obvious video gaming, I also enjoy reading books (Wheel of Time anyone?) and spending time with my very few close friends. I am more than excited for the upcoming Kingdom Hearts games and I figured I'd join up here and experience this with you all. Any questions or comments, feel free to ask away.
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