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About XantheGamesHD

  • Birthday 12/16/1999

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  1. Is anyone else having connection errors when loading Union Cross after the update. I was able to play Classic Kingdom the other day but now I just keep getting to the title screen and then when I enter any version of the game I just get connection errors

  2. Can someone send me the link to the Australian Version of Unchained X for iOS

  3. Does anyone know if you can transfer your data from the Japanese Version of Unchained Key to the American Version?

    1. MythrilMagician


      They run on different servers, so I highly doubt it.

    2. AzureAce


      You can't because the Japanese version is so far ahead of the American version.

  4. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GEkHW66OwAY Finally made a Top 10 Kingdom Hearts Characters Video
  5. I was wondering if anyone could help me fix some problems I'm having with recording Kingdom Hearts 1.5 for my channel. I'm using OBS and a Roxio GameCap HD Pro

    1. Tails


      What problems are you having?

    2. XantheGamesHD


      I'm able to get the actual footage in the video, preview mode works okayish I get 25-30fps but as soon as I start recording the fps just drops to 9-10 and there is a major lag it recording

    3. XantheGamesHD
  6. I like the gameplay for Re:coded but the story was almost pointless, You play though just over half of the game only to have the datescape reset and everything that happened in the story just never really happened. The only part of the story that held any real interest for me was when Data Sora went to Castle Oblivion. I like Re:coded now because they did fix the story in 2.5 Remix and added more to allow it to tie into Kingdom Hearts III
  7. In celebration of D23 Kingdom Hearts Premium Theater, I will be making and posting a Kingdom Hearts AMV for the song Angel with a Shotgun

  8. We never could come up with a Nobody name for my real name. So we just found a name that had a X in it. Xanthe
  9. I'm not 100% sure if I have done one of these since I've signed up, so if not I might as well do one now. Hey, I'm XantheGames HD (I know it's not my KH13 username) and I'm a Kingdom Hearts /Let's Play Youtuber. Lately I've been trying get involved more into the Kingdom Hearts Community since I love the games so much. I'm glad to be apart of KH13 and hope to make many Kingdom Hearts friends. :biggrin: In case anyone would like a link to my channel it is right here: https://www.youtube.com/user/XantheGames - Xanthe
  10. Finally got around to updating my channel art for Youtube and Facebook :)

  11. My reaction video to Kingdom Hearts HD 2.8 is now up https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mR8VROUoUeU

  12. Hey guys, I finally started managing my youtube channel, it's going to be a Let's play and Kingdom Hearts Channel. Here is the link if anyone wants to check it out https://www.youtube.com/user/XantheGames

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