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Everything posted by LivingLegend

  1. Are there any tips for ice cream beat and getting the fantastic ratings on each of them for the trophy?
  2. So I'm trying to get fantastic on all the ice cream beat mini games for all 3 characters and I'm having a bit of trouble with just the first one.Anyone have any tips to make this a bit easier?This is naturally for the people that have already managed to get the trophy of course
  3. I wonder what Braig was doing during DDD since his nobody Xigbar brought back from the past is the one we see throughout the game.that means they're both gonna be running around in Kh3
  4. Eh I didn't vote for it.But come on,did anyone really think they would tally the votes to see what we all truly wanted? I didn't
  5. Nomura said he's putting all the best elements for each games in kh3.with that being said I'm not entirely convinced that they won't be in kh3 (new clothes or not).It'd be nice to have drive forms,keyblade transformation and flowmotion all at ones disposal.
  6. I'm banking for the worldwide release.the first trailer said " worldwide 2014" but that could easily be misinterpreted.
  7. Well it is a worldwide release so when they get it we get it
  8. thanks guys!! you really know how to dish out a good welcome
  9. hey!!!!Im a huge kh fan!!!I visit this site alot as a guest but i finally had to make an account so i can interact with my fellow fans of this great series
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