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Stark Spark

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  1. my fav kh worlds are in no special order. 10. timeless river bc seeing this black and white classic in game form is amazing and the amount of content in this world is amazeing 9. olympus colosseum in kh 2 bc exsploreing the underworld with auron at your back was amazing and is far suprior to the meager 3 zone olympus from kh1 8.port royale this world was under rated and amazing with its photo realistic charicturs and beautiful port town and caves and the fact that it stood out from the rest of the worlds 7.halloween town from kh1 its kh 2 version may have been bigger a more fully featured but its predacessor was more exciteing meeting dark figures that stood in contrast to the rest of kh 1 fairly childish world was exciting and setting which was filled with creepy graveyards and dark places was filled with with memorable moments like playing a twisted board game with oogie boogie was epic 6. the 100 acre woods it had allmost no fighting and yet it was amazing it was a beautiful story driven world that nailed the presentation and exacution filling in otherwise short world with so much story it bursted at the seams 5.the world that never was i loved this world in kh 2 and ddd bc it was filled to the brim in both games with story moment and multaple epic boss fights in quick session 4. twilight town in kh2 bc it just awesome its a huge beautiful world that plays host to the best prolog in game history and in its 3 short hours its filled with secrets revelations and epic dual key blade fights and yen sid3.the keyblade graveyard its greatest asset is its impact fans have known for years that there used to one giant world fans wondered what could split it into so many pieces ergo the graveyard where millons of keyblade users good and bad killed each other over kingdom hearts there keyblades lie in the ground here you see master xhanorts power and why yen sid is afraid of him you also see the origins of the kh universe as well as the awefull truth xhanort is coming back in present kh to do it again 2.dwarf woodlands bc it is the bees knees snow white is best disney property ever it is literaly legendary and bbs recreates it to die for weather its the dark castle or the light and dark woods or its pitch perfect recreation of snow whites story its epic and no1 is..........1. radiant garden/HOLLOW bastion in all its forms be it the erie dark castle the wrecked town strugleing to rebuild or the beautiful light filled watery garden it used to be its filled with memorable moments like find your way thruits dark corridors alone with no wepons helping a hedeous prince find his princess fighting a dark dragon sparing with a one winged angel in darkest depths as well as a battle that faces you against 1000 to 1 also from the story perspective its the real first world and it plays host to kairi and ansem aka the most importent people in the franchise kairi started everything so....... sorry for how long this thing is
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