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About jordy01234

  • Birthday 10/13/1990

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  • Member Title
    "They'll come at you out of nowhere."
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  1. I hope it will be a huge hd collection of kh games for the ps4!!!!
  2. You can thank me later... I dunno if there are more parts though, haven't checked. Ooh shit wait a sec wrong link... I dunno man it doesnt work and it gives the wrong link Finally...
  3. anyone got birth by sleep final mix shiny edition cheap for me?

  4. i'm from the netherlands too bro. what province?
  5. just bought kingdom hearts final mix, now comes the long wait...

  6. Thinking about buying kingdom hearts final mix... Probably will to complete my collection...

  7. Thinking about buying kingdom hearts final mix...

  8. I don't even have a store where you can rent games in my city...
  9. I already have the psvita and that is enough for me at the moment...
  10. why still no kingdom hearts news!?!?!?!?!? :/

  11. hahaha of course kingdom hearts!!!! Why else should i be on this site hahaha
  12. OMG!!!!! I just played south park stick of truth, and i'm addicted to the freaking game.

  13. The thing i just love in the kh-series is the strong and powerfull conection to disney and how square enix makes the disney worlds come to life. Thats just a thing that final fantasy will never have.Not that i don't like ff but its just less entertainment.Plus i hate the turn-based combat system in ff.
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