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Everything posted by danteskitten

  1. This is so exciting! It looks really good. Usagi looks great!
  2. I've always been into Final Fantasy, ever since I was really young. I used to watch my brother play the games and then I would play. I turned 13 the year KH came out. My brother got the game and I gotta say, I fell in love with Sora and Riku and looked up to Kairi... and the fact that Disney and FF characters were in the game just made me love it more. So really, my brother got me into it as well as the characters
  3. This is awesome! Great job!
  4. Thank you, the peace person
  5. My fiance took me on Christmas Eve as my Christmas present. Best. Present. Ever!!
  6. Gotta love it haha and thanks!!
  7. That's just wrong people can be so mean
  8. Thank you!! I already can't leave lol this place is amazing! M-my soul....
  9. I already have: This was a few years ago though and I could do better now
  10. It'd be cool to see Namine with Kairi hair Please do! I would love to see :] Haha, should I write Kairi for you? I got the face. I can do it!
  11. Thank you! It's actually a simple hairstyle
  12. Thanks!! O: Those people are conceited then! Ohhhh jealous boyfriends could be mean. My fiance is one of them But a compliment is a compliment and people should understand that
  13. Thank you :] Why would you get weird looks IRL?? There's nothing wrong with complimenting someone
  14. This is so exciting!! I've been waiting for this!!
  15. I had Kairi KH 2 hair a few months ago, but never dyed it so I didn't try to cosplay her. Straightening hair is a pain, believe me I know. My hair is an afro unless I straighten it Do you have any pictures??
  16. Damn my light colored eyes ;~; Yay! I'm glad to hear that Thank you!!
  17. Thank you! I am very much
  18. Thanks! Haha, that's very true Haha well thank you! I didn't think I'd be a convincing Kairi
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