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Wsf Nbj

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Everything posted by Wsf Nbj

  1. There BETTER be some romance between Sora and Kairi!!!! Or at LEAST have them married at the end of the game!!!!!!
  2. I want to play as Kairi and Lea. They have Keyblades so give them a chance to fight for once.
  3. I want Kingdom Hearts to do a crossover with something...but I don't think Tetsuya Nomura's and Square Enix would allow it.

  4. Yeah. Donald and Goofy's outfits are fine. But I'd like to see Sora with new clothing!!!
  5. I want Sora and Kairi to become a couple. Same with Roxas and Namine!
  6. I wonder how you get Kingdom Hearts X (chi)

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Wsf Nbj

      Wsf Nbj

      Maybe it's best if I chose an English one.

    3. Shulk


      English what? X/Chi is only in Japanese for now, and will likely stay that way sadly...

    4. Wsf Nbj

      Wsf Nbj

      Yeah...I know.

  7. Treasure Planet Spirited Away The Little Mermaid 2 And Tangled
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