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Everything posted by E-ZombieHERO

  1. Since I bought the 1.5 Limited Ed, might as well. Otherwise they would just look akward together, plus if I ever sell, which I probably won't, it will be at least a little more valuable then regular ed.
  2. Wrong, just wrong, complete ignorant towards Infinite World, great for experts due to higher difficulty, and Raging Blast for reviving the tenkaichi style.
  3. Just for spits and giggles, share your PSN ID (assuming you have one). Additional comment accepted. My PlayStation Network ID is E-ZombieHERO.
  4. I disagree. Social shut ins can keep to themselves if they want but the option should be there for friends who want to play the game together.
  5. You sir are a fool. Co-Op would be great I for one am sick of this "every man for himself" online BS, people need to learn to play the games together all over again. You know what me and my friends did back in the day before online? We figured out how to do something in a game and then shared it with each other.
  6. Bebop is amazing. Its a "Gateway" anime IMO. What I mean by that is it's a series so good it could make an otaku out of anyone who sees it through. Its one of the Legends along with Samurai Champloo, Ghost in the Shell, Outlaw Star, Trigun, and Wolf's Rain.
  7. DragobBall Z was my first anime when I was eight. First episode I saw was Goku vs Oozaru Vegeta. My Grandma was in the room while I was watching and she said it was too violent.
  8. They would'nt have such a poor fan base if they actually cared about the intended audience. Seriously they had 33 games to figure out that the cliche "if it isn't broken don't fix it" dose not make a good game. I have played CoD with friends but their lack of intention to actually improve the game keeps me from ever paying actual money for their games. Maybe if the get desperate and start accepting Monopoly money I'll slightly consider buying.
  9. Is this going to be on KH III or is Square just being a tease? I would like to see online vs and co-op as well as multiplayer Gumi missions. If there is an online VS I hope you can play as Sora, Riku, Organization XIII, FF characters, and all the Disney party members that have been avalible to date.
  10. Still it would be a major trololol if they decided not to release and it'd be enough to stop me from ever supporting Shonen Jump again.
  11. Lol Disney was just doing what the rest of the world did. Most people don't realize that Propaganda was not just something the Germans did, the Americans, Russians and Europeans had Propaganda as well.
  12. I first saw it in a WWII propaganda book that. Honestly I believe it wasnt exactly meant to be towards or against Nazi's. I know it probably sounds bad but if they had multiple costumes for the characters in KH, I would want this one.
  13. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oLV5GCbsRTY&feature=youtube_gdata_player
  14. I still have my Brady Games Walkthrough for KH, yeah there are a few differences between KH and KHFM but the guide still helps, the differences will just be a challenge. Although I have only noticed two so far, the Heartless have a different color scheme and the Giant White Mushroom's where not in the original.
  15. Sorry to prove you wrong but Disney Movie Club use to have thier movies available online, there is also the UV store called Keychest, which they scrapped for some new upcoming cloud based project. It would not be a smart business desicion for them not to release their movies digitaly but it seems they have played with the idea several times, and more than long enough for pirates to steal them, so I do think they are afraid of piracy.
  16. Only character I see that isn't licensed to U.S. is Toriko.
  17. It better make english release. Only thing I'd ask for otherwise is transformations. Maybe they will add the other J-Star characters from Ultimate Stars and Super Stars as DLC?
  18. I just got my first PS3 this year, there's no way in hell I'm buying the PS4, not with Barman Arkham Origins, GTA V Kingdom Hearts 1.5, MGS V and DBZ Tenkaichi HD all coming or already out for PS3.
  19. KH isn't my favorite, it's top ten but definitely not favorite. Two games have been waging war in my heart for that position, Metal Gear Solid & The Legend of Zelda.
  20. I consider myself a nutcase when it comes to DBZ I love the series more than anything ever, but I lost intrest in DBZ games after Infinite World the PS3 Z games are horrible, only one I'm looking foward to is the Tenkaichi HD Collection. Might buy this one if it includes the Battle of Gods movie.
  21. I pre ordered, 5 Days Left, can't wait. If Deathstroke is as strong as he was in Teen Titans, (strong enough to slam Raven's Dad Trigon to the ground) I hope you get to fight him as well.
  22. Your neglecting the fact that FF characters are in this world too, My vote goes to Cloud or Auron.
  23. Other than CoM and BBS the spin offs are pretty pointless, 358/2 Days is the worst of them, they toke a good concept of seeing the Thirteen's story and turned it into; Roxas:" Gee Axel what are we gonna do today?" Axel:"Same thing we do everyday Roxas, try to eat Sea Salt Ice Cream!"
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