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Everything posted by Nmovies11

  1. I thought the Ep was awesome! But the ending could have been a bit better in my opinion. But still a great episode. What are your thoughts?
  2. He can ask me to kill someone and I would not be able to say no.
  3. ''Ooh nice catch!'' James said to Chuck ''I'm going to look if there are any other pokemon here.''
  4. Either JonTron's Halloween special or a Tf2 Halloween update (In my country we don't celebrate Halloween as much...)
  5. ''Alright my pokemon are all healed up now. I'm ready to go!'' James said with alot of excitement.
  6. Those are called Attraction Flow, the Summons are confirmed to be Disney characters again.
  7. ''Sorry for letting you wait guys im ready" James said while packing the last stuff in his bag. ''And is something wrong with Adam?''
  8. ''Wel I'm going to bed. I hope Adam has a new pokemon!'' James says while yawning and crawls in his sleeping bag
  9. Taurus here! And kairi is best waifu so i'm happy.
  10. ''Those berries where pretty good!'' James said to Adam. ''I'm pretty full now. But I have to train a bit and maybe catch another pokemon.''
  11. ''I don't think Blaze can help as he seems to be sleeping... But I'm kinda tired myself too so i guess we can get a rest here.'' James said while sitting down.
  12. ''Ooh i want a pidgey too!'' James said pretty excited when he saw kor catch one. ''Let me see if i can find one myself.. there!'' He says while a pidgey lands not too far away from him. ''Blaze use Tackle!'' He said to Blaze who let out a kinda annoyed sound and just stood there. '' Oh come on! Just please attack him!'' James said while getting annoyed bye Blaze. Blaze finally seemed to listen and attacked the pidgey with a huge tackle who than used a tackle on Blaze aswell. ''Alright Blaze let's Finish this with a Ember!'' Blaze let out a Stream of flames out of his mouth right at the pidgey who took a huge amount of damage and was staggerd by the attack. ''Alright now im gonna trow my pokeball!'' James threw the pokeball at the pidgey! It is shaking 1...2...3... Ping. ''Yes i caught a pidgey too!'' He said happely too Kor who just caught one too. ''Hope you don't mind that i got one too though''
  13. (but James does not know it's nothing special )
  14. (It seems my pokeball knowledge is not the great aswell as i meant he has a greatball.. But seeing how it is still a bit powerfull so soon I'm changing it to be a Premier ball He got from a elder from his town. Those can work right? They where made in Gen 3 but you could have them in the remakes i think.)
  15. (He calls it a special ultraball because he thinks he can catch Ho-oh With it. James is not that well known with how pokeballs work and thinks ultraball is like a superduper ball. It's not really special or anything ) ''I did not really think of facing of against gyms but it seems like a nice way to train'' He says to Adam. ''So Violet City it is?'' He asks while looking on his map.
  16. ''Let me check if I have everything. hmm.. 5 Pokeballs... My special Ultraball... A couple of potions... Im set to go!''
  17. ''Sure I'll join you guys! It's more fun than walking alone.'' He says while smiling a bright smile.
  18. ''Oooh a shiny Cyndaquill. It's so pretty!'' James said to Chuck. ''Hello Ashley nice to meet you.'' He says while petting Ashley.
  19. ''My name is James!'' He said happely to Chuck and Kor. ''And this little guy is Blaze.'' ''What are your names?'' James asked while he keeps trying to get Blaze to calm down.
  20. Walking outside James noticed the other trainers talking. ''Wanna go and say hi to them Blaze?'' He said but it seems Blaze is ignoring James and is just standing there. ''You want to play like that? Fine I'll just carry you then'' He says to Blaze while he struggels to pick him up. With Blaze struggling to get free James walks up to them and says hi.
  21. While thinking about what pokemon he should pick he saw a Cyndaquill and had a connection with him already. ''I'll take him!'' he said loudly. ''That one? Are you sure about that?'' Professor Elm said. ''This one is quite stubborn.'' That's a challenge I'll have to accept than!'' he said while laughing. ''I'll name him... Blaze!'' Trying to get Blaze in his Pokeball he seems to be refusing. ''Already starting?'' He asked while looking annoyed at Blaze. '' I guess you will have to walk besides my than..'' James Quickly changed mood though as he was excited to begin his pokemon journey!
  22. How do you add it to your signature? It shows nothing when i try to add it
  23. Upon becoming 10 James decided to go to Professor Elm and begin his journey! Also He got the nickname because his favorite types of pokemon are both flying and dragon and he can't stop talking about them (should have put that in the bio though sorry about that.)
  24. Name: James ''dragonborn'' King Age: 10 Gender: Male Appearance: Green eyes, Brown hair, Black hoodie, Blue pants, black and white shoes. City of Origin: Ecruteak City, Johto Bio: being born and raised in Ecruteak City James has heard lots of story obout the legendary pokemon named Ho-oh who roosted above the Bell tower. James Always dreamt of capturing this pokemon and having lot's of adventures with it! Maybe even challenge the gym leaders and the Elite Four. Upon becoming 10 James decided to go to Professor Oak and begin his journey! Starter: Cyndaquill Other: Reserving Ho oh
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