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About mattomatt11kh

  • Birthday 01/01/1995

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  1. So, if Nobodies can have hearts, what separates them from Somebodies...?

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. Dave


      I don't mean in terms of the whole "Master plan" plot, so much as thematically. In a story that has very strong opinions on the importance of being able to feel and love, the inability to do that by virtue of missing a heart is extremely tragic, which sort of sets up why the Nobodies are doomed to live a sort of half life. What makes the idea of the Nobodies so compelling is the concept of loss, moreover, a loss that cannot be rectified by natural means. Thus, it explains why they...

    3. Dave


      . Thus, it explains why they're kind of angry, and why they are tormented: they're essentially ghosts, not really able to enjoy their time still here on earth, but incapable of passing on.

    4. Dave


      To introduce the idea that they literally could have just waited a year or two and magically won back everything completely destroys the tragic angle of inevitability, and makes the depth of Nobodies much shallower. It's not so much a tragedy to become a Nobody now, so much as it a temporary inconvenience.

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