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About mattomatt11kh

  • Birthday 01/01/1995

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  1. No, BBS and KH1-2 should remain their own entities when it comes to things like that. The Gummi Ship is far superior imo. There's something more nostalgic about rocketing to different worlds with your friends then doing an epic 3 minute long cutscene of your character throwing his/her Keyblade in the air.
  2. Seven years ago marks the release date of KH Re:COM. Anyone else feel like and old man?

    1. Enix


      Old? Must be the cards. xD

    2. Trece the Xam ( ▀ ͜͞ʖ▀)

      Trece the Xam ( ▀ ͜͞ʖ▀)

      "The cards will determine your age!"

    3. WakingDawn96


      It's Time to Du...Du...Du...Du....Duel!!!!!

  3. YES. That would be awesome! Disney parts would probably get a little weird, though.
  4. Remember when Sephiroth was the hardest boss in KH? Good times.

    1. WakingDawn96


      I still haven't beat him in the first game, and probably never will

  5. And 3D Critical mode beaten. Now I wait for 2.5 to complete my critical conquest by doing it on 2 Final Mix.

  6. Things would've turned out a lot better if Terra had just walked around Xehanort to rescue Ven and Aqua from Vanitas...

    1. Kaneki Ken

      Kaneki Ken

      Or at least do a sliding dash to avoid Xehanort's heart.

    2. mattomatt11kh


      Right there. Would've solved the entire series.

  7. The hole to the mansion in Twilight Town wasn't present in the KH3 trailer. I hope we get to visit it.

    1. Kaneki Ken

      Kaneki Ken

      It will be there. Besides, if Nomura said it's not even its final form, but its alpha form, who knows what it will look like. I better save money for a PS4 next year.

    2. Ruby Rose

      Ruby Rose

      The people of Twilight Town taxed their citizens just enough to get a construction team to finally patch up that hole- it had been like that for over a year so I'm glad to see they finally got on it. If you wanna go to the Mansion just ride the Shadow tornado over the wall

    3. mattomatt11kh
  8. Very enigmatic. I wish they would elaborate on these things more
  9. I hate how the Mysterious Figure uses that whip move three times in a row until he kills me.

  10. So, if Nobodies can have hearts, what separates them from Somebodies...?

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. Dave


      I don't mean in terms of the whole "Master plan" plot, so much as thematically. In a story that has very strong opinions on the importance of being able to feel and love, the inability to do that by virtue of missing a heart is extremely tragic, which sort of sets up why the Nobodies are doomed to live a sort of half life. What makes the idea of the Nobodies so compelling is the concept of loss, moreover, a loss that cannot be rectified by natural means. Thus, it explains why they...

    3. Dave


      . Thus, it explains why they're kind of angry, and why they are tormented: they're essentially ghosts, not really able to enjoy their time still here on earth, but incapable of passing on.

    4. Dave


      To introduce the idea that they literally could have just waited a year or two and magically won back everything completely destroys the tragic angle of inevitability, and makes the depth of Nobodies much shallower. It's not so much a tragedy to become a Nobody now, so much as it a temporary inconvenience.

  11. I can't buy feel Vanitas's Remnant would be easier if I had the patience to level up...

    1. Ruby Rose

      Ruby Rose

      Rule #87: LEVEL UP!!!

    2. mattomatt11kh


      Actually I just best him for the second time spamming mine square... The cheap way!

    3. Ruby Rose

      Ruby Rose

      Lol the best way! xD

  12. Yeah Osment! I like it when the actors are excited about the series. It's more special for us.
  13. I need my KH fix... it's been, like, 2 days.

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