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About Hyper_Intake123

  • Birthday 12/22/1999

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  1. Don't get me wrong, but honestly, I'm not really that excited for it ._____.
  2. I like Namine, but at the same time, I sorta don't But I do like Xion better though..
  3. Is it bad that I only knew Kingdom Hearts for a year?? >___< I love the series, but everyone who has been playing the Kingdom Hearts since the beginning makes me feel like I'm not a real fan to the series. T.T I also feel like a noob and that I was 10 years late to ever begin playing the series. Like I missed out on everything.. How long have you guys been playing??
  4. So far, I have only been to an anime convention once. And.. it didn't go so well since I didn't know what to do. I wasn't cosplaying, I didn't go with any friends (because they're not really interested in anime), I didn't bring a camera, and I don't know how to go up and talk to a cosplayer I'm sort of a shy person and it's hard for me to break the ice. Do you guys have any advice on how to make friends at an anime con and what to do there?? I'm going to Naka-Kon next year and I don't want it to end up like my last one.
  5. I wasn't calling Kingdom Hearts overrated.. it was the people who hates the series. Like I said, I LOVE Kingdom Hearts But I agree. The people who doesn't like Kingdom Hearts, are probably CoD fanboys.
  6. Well it is an epilogue to the Future series, they may make another series as well to go along the storyline..
  7. I love Ratchet and Clank!! But it sucks that I'm getting Into the Nexus for Christmas though Dx
  8. I'm kind of offended how some people hate Kingdom Hearts because it's 'kiddy' or 'overrated' I personally LOVE the series, but I guess Kingdom Hearts isn't for everybody.. what do you guys think??
  9. Wahh ;~; I haven't been active lately Dx


    1. Anonn0000


      I think....i'm gonna watch it again lol

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