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About Icằŗūs

  • Birthday 01/19/2012

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    Loyal Person
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  1. terra is xemnas?

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Icằŗūs


      ^ = plotwists.


    3. Isaix


      *that also

    4. Exlon


      ...I don't think so. 'Cause Terra and Xehanort are not the same person. Ansem (the Seeker of Darkness) was the -Heartless- of what? Of Xehanort losing his own heart in the experiments he did when possessing Terra's body. Terra is in no way Ansem. His body is just the vessel that carries Xehanort's mind.

  2. indeed.. i may ever bring it back to normal if i find how to do that
  3. i just tought about making my character to have a org xiii version so i did it with 3d models programs and with mmd [mikumikudance] and thus i made some kind of ''battle beggining'' against sora. there you go. how is it? (sorry for the big pic) and..the keyblade is a fusion so maybe you can guess which they are?
  4. Hello, i am new here~ i hope to be useful when i'm around. and i have to say that is : Nice to meet you all ~ -- I hope i don't disturb ~
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