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Everything posted by BlackAceZero777

  1. I played BBS but I really didn't know it was because of that. So would that go for the other princesses as well?
  2. I loved how it looked. That's actually what it is, an Archie comic #102....It always gave the comics a more realistic look to be based around a cartoony game...
  3. Nah, it was the Arrancar Arc...If not, then correct me....
  4. DDDDUUUUUUUUUUOOOOOOOODDDDEEEEEEE!!!!!! You're a Sho Minamimoto fan and Sonic fan (On every sense)?! SO AM I!!!!!! :D

  5. Actually that's how his mouth is on the comic cover... Sonic #102 to be exact...
  6. How is it that Kairi's heart resided in Sora? This was never really explained in Kingdom Hearts 1....
  7. Tried to scan it but it was too big for my scanner....
  8. Finished sketch!!!! Now posting....

  9. ........................I don't get it............................................................. ............................Nope, still don't.....................................................
  10. Finishing up a Sonic sketch and will post...

  11. I agree....There is always a way to handle a situation in a mature nature, but doing this is not being mature....
  12. Yup....Just think....About 6 seasons pack into one manga arc...So we won't be seeing that for a looooonnnnngggggg time.....
  13. Not really finished...They stopped for right now with the anime to focus on the Manga....Most people speculate that it will come back as Bleach 2... Like waaaaaaay later after the manga arc is finished, which won't be for awhile...I read that it's gonna be longer than the Arrancar arc....
  14. jmhbkncftvygiohubj;nkzsrdxyuftcv ghlbg Sorry, couldn't do my head so i used my hand...
  15. The guy sounds like he been doing drugs before the recording...
  16. I've seen something similar to this on another website...I think there trying to be funny...Like the whole, "I laughed at a kid getting accidentally kicked, I am so going to Hell for this."
  17. Dude, I got to get back Metal Gear Rising...

    1. Keyblade Guardian

      Keyblade Guardian

      I think it's time for Jack...to let 'er rip!

    2. BlackAceZero777


      I do think it is time to let 'er rip once again!

  18. Hmmmm...But there was another thing I read as well, Sonic's world has another huge Moon, so that one that got destroyed is probably another planet that is Moon planet... Yeah, I thought that they would take from Sonic X and just say it was repaired...The Ark was created by a man so it's not possible...
  19. Whoa....I didn't know there were others like the Bermuda Triangle....There are still a lot thing undiscovered, this just sounds like one of them....But seriously, there must be something at work with those Bermuda Triangles...It's creepy.... But the disappearances....That's what gets me....it's very much weird that they go and then are never found again...
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