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Everything posted by BlackAceZero777

  1. It's kinda funny. I haven't felt any way like that for awhile...Crisis Core was one that was just sad....But more so FEELS!!!! The final FINAL boss..The music was sad...Then...The ENDING!!!! I'm serious my mom was trying to figure out why I was crying...
  2. I didn't think it was true until I read a History of Sonic FAQ and saw the similarities....
  3. I think it should return...After all, it came with his Outfit...But, I would like to see new forms instead of the old ones....I mean, the summons were brought back in KH2 so I don't see why this should be different....
  4. Here's what I think: I think that it shows it is coming along smoothly but we won't get anything from it for awhile. I don't think it will take as long as 2016 to come out...I think it might be released in early 2015 or late 2015...That is, if Final Fantasy XV won't get in the way...
  5. Loved it...I've always wondered how Keyblades would work as guns...It shows me now it works perfectly...But I'm still on the part of where Sora's hair is suppose to move wavily...I didn't really see that....
  6. I would've posted the Ryu shirt but the site won't let me....
  7. New thing: I think I may actually start acting like Sephiroth the whole day, talking to people in the calm, dark tone and always mentioning me being the son of Jenova and trying to bring everything back to the Promise Land... I have a few ideas, but I will have to sort them out...
  8. A year or two ago, Hot Topic had a shirt that had Street Fighter characters (Ryu and Chun-Li) in a Hello Kitty form...
  9. Please....Knowing how fans are, they will most likely find a way to get that video, send it to youtube, and watch it go viral within a day...
  10. ^What he said. I would seriously have a goofy look on my face....I think I would record myself running down my area screaming, "FINALLY!!!!!!!"
  11. ROFL HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!!!!! You can tell he is a football fan!!!! He got so excited he started talking about ponies and unicorns!!!! I haven't heard somebody get this excited in awhile.... You would think its the SuperBowl the way he's going....
  12. I think I would like that.... Actually it not technically fanservice, but the way it is, some might say it is fanservice...I won't be taking it out because it is where the humor comes in, some of it will have an impact on the relationship side of the story...But I thank you for your opinion...Also, I think your profile pic is funny...It seeems like Roxas saw something that cannot be erased from his memory.... Do you watch Soul Eater??? Anyways, I think that's what I'm getting at..It like a humorous perversion that doesn't go overboard but from the answers I have received, I think I may need to take out a few parts.
  13. So I am writing a sort-of Fanfiction of Kingdom Hearts that I've been doing for 3 years (I put a lot thought to it) and it will be in a style of a Manga. But I have a few questions about it: 1. How do I sketch in a manga style? I have tried it so many times but have a hard time...I have my characters, but how do you sketch them for a manga? I can sketch anime, but I have a hard time posing my characters. 2. This story will be more serious. Like not gorey or anything like that. There will be things in my story that will have a big impact on the story later on. I will have fights in the story that will injure me greatly like scars and bleeding. It's not going overboard for a fanfiction right? 3. I will have different relationships with the girls in my story and I really would like to develop them in a deep way. There will be a times were it will have fanservice-ish parts, but I don't want them to be overly sexual. How do you know how to level parts like this in a fanfiction were it is not overtly all over the place, but is still making the point that the writer is trying to make? 4. My final question. Since this is a fanfiction of Kingdom Hearts. How do you go about using characters from different series but not taking from it greatly to where it's just like the original?
  14. Correction, I have 200. I mean on from that. Actually she can start from 200 on. I kinda started in places that didn't have a big impact on the story! And how do you like the new look they have for Sonic in the comic books? I like it because it looks more comic-y for something like Sonic!
  15. Two Words: Read Them. They really give a depth to the world of Sonic that the games cannot. They are just as good as any other comic. I have been jumping in and out of comics due to the month stretch and forgetting but believe me, as a hug fan of Sonic, it will not disappoint...
  16. I think it's due to her being exclusive to the Comics and animated series...I read once that she made an appearance in Sonic Spinball...But that's about it...And knowing how many backwards fans there are of the Series, they're probablt keeping her from being in stuff like the games...But I am still getting that!!! That right there is something I must have along with #200 and the Mega Man crossover!!!
  17. Some fun I like to do...The idea is make up something to go with this....Like what the father was saying!!!!
  18. What exactly is a Robo-Maid? And how did Aigis get a Persona? I thought robots couldn't since they don't exhibit emotions...
  19. Does the OathKeeper and Oblivion symbolize Light and Darkness? I am writing a sorta FanFiction about Kingdom Hearts with me as the Protagonist and I need to know since I will be using two Keyblades and these will be my Keyblades.
  20. Yes. With sequel it should be somewhere else than Tokyo and new characters that may have some ties to the first and you can create your own character. Prequel should show how Joshua came to be the Composer.
  21. You saw signature! I call him Yu, seems more fitting....I think it depends....I like the idea of Rise and Yu....Some may say Yukiko and Yu but I really don't see that....
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