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Everything posted by BlackAceZero777

  1. The whole part was about Riku's descent into darkness. Although Sora tries to reach after him, he begins to be more distant each time. The water symbolizes the distance that will come between them (Hence why he was being pushed away).
  2. Hey all, I will be moving from the site in about a few days. Before I do though, I want to ask one more thing before I leave: It's about the intro to Kingdom Hearts 1. Can anybody explain to me Sora's dream? I sorta undertsand the Riku part, but I do not understand the part about Kairi and seeing himself fall.
  3. Same here....Kingdom Hearts 3 can wait...They started development some months ago, so no bother trying to complain.....Right now if Final Fantasy XV takes toooo long to release, then everybody has a reason to complain...It's been in development for awhile, it should not take too long for the game to be finished....About 2.5, I agree with Red Tribal, it should not take long just to re-polish a game. Espcially since Final Mix had english dub.
  4. I actually like the idea!!! I just hope that they go as far as Persona 4 Arena and the True Golden ending. I have not seen the anime and I think I would like this very much...I just saw people on Facebook whining about how they are milking it and they are really trying to push Persona 4 and want to put the blame on Sega although Atlus has major control of SMT...And they still played it and still will watch it....Whiny hypocrites.... I like the fact that they are doing this without the tan, it was kinda weird seeing it....This looks like it'll look more like the game....I think it will be a complete overhaul of the anime. Granted, it will be a retelling, but it'll probably be expanded.
  5. Does anyone know if Super Smash Bros. is available for Pre-Order after the release date reveal?

    1. Cucco


      It's been available for pre order for a while

    2. Shulk


      Wait, where is it available for preorder? I know Amazon has it, but I hate having to wait for shipping while everyone else gets to rub their game in my face through the internet.

  6. No, I have seen how these dumbasses act, so anything that suppose to be negative towards the sonic series or anything like that I WILL CRITICIZE!!!!!! And no, if you think I'm doing to be totally cool or something....You really don't know me that well (Oh wait....That's right you don't) So F**K THAT TO HELL..... Anything else you have to say?
  7. I'm not even gonna watch it...I already know what they'll be saying...."IT'S NOT SONIC ADVENTURE!!!!!!! THE WHOLE SERIES IS RUINED BECAUSE SEGA WON'T MAKE ONE GAME (Even though we are way past that and already have adventure 3.) TO PLEASE US WHINY FANS!!!!! rhoiBDOIABFUBSFOSDB;O;OIADBF;!!!!!"
  8. Hey World....Haven't been on in awhile....

    1. Show previous comments  12 more
    2. Amber Cole

      Amber Cole

      cool! That's really cool! I wanted to go into programming, but then I decided I couldn't take that al day everyday for the rest of my life. ill just keep that as a hobby

    3. BlackAceZero777


      For me, it's something I've been wanting to do since I was a kid....One day, I just started sketching out of the clear blue sky...Now I'm working on getting into the industry....

    4. Amber Cole

      Amber Cole

      sweet! that's amazing! Ive always loved traveling s I have to find a job with that


  9. I finally got P4G!!!!! Now I am just waiting for my PS Vita to come!!!!!!

  10. Based off of the comics? Yeah, had that idea for awhile....
  11. DmC (Although I loved it) did not do as they expected...I think it pretty much explains itself... Errr I am not using inappropriate language nor am I frusterated, this is truly what they are saying....Ignoring it is not solving the problem....They're are many series that they have made that people love, and are not doing anything with or running it into the ground....Street Fighter is the best example....Fans are the one that made them into what they are, so I think we should have a say in this.... Dude, I would agree if it was something like what happen with Persona 4 Dancing All Night, then I would turn a blind eye...But they are not doing anything right and soon will be shutting down because of their faults....Like I said, we were the ones that got them to where they are, we should have a say in this.... Now if it's something like SEGA...I don't blame SEGA, I blame the fans....the fans are not satisfiable.... They've also have taken parts of games that was originally suppose to be in there, and have turned them into DLC...Because of this, we now have to pay full price for a game plus another 10 for the DLC....Asura's Wrath was under the same problem when this happened...Instead of giving us a full game, we now have to pay 14 dollars to see the full game....
  12. Trust me, this is something I have been following for awhile, it's not something to turn a blind eye on....
  13. So basically they're giving fans a middle finger and not doing very well....If I remember right, they have 152 million in the bank....This means they cannot screw up or they'll go under....But looking at it, they already have.... It's not really the point of the iOS game, it's the fact that the fans are telling them that they are screwing up and showing them how to bring themselves back from the grave, and they're basically saying, "F**k YOU!!!!!"
  14. And that...This is basically why Keji left....And get this Metal Snake, he was willing to help them finish it and they turned down the offer.... They've even taken Breath of Fire and turned it into an IOS game....Something fans don't want....I haven't played Breath of Fire nor do I know what it's about, but if you are a fan of it, just letting you know...
  15. I think what makes this wrong is instead of trying to bring back MegaMan Legends 3, they instead give us this....And it's not like a group of people been wanting 3 back, it the whole community....
  16. Dude, everything's wrong with this.... I don't know what to say anymore.....
  17. Ummm dude, some of their personalities were like their nobody form. Axel was one of them, Saix wasn't due to the fact he's one of Xehanort's vessels. Xigbar had the same personality, Lexaeus was another one, I would say Zexion but he was young at the time, and Vexen although he's more "Mad Scientist."
  18. nice one... Sho Minamimoto, the dude was badass from start to finish, espcially when he went God Mode. Joshua, the dude is awesome and sneaky. His ability to use his phone is awesome.
  19. Atlantis the Lost Empire. I can't believe Disney forgot about this gem.
  20. Oh yeah... I actually would like to know Luxord's backstory, but I feel Demyx has a better chance at being a Keyblade weilder than Luxord... True, Riku is the best example for that... I kinda see Larxene being the opposite to Kairi. Think about it: Kairi is sweet and kind, like Aqua; Larxene would be loud, bossy, and bitter. What if they are all Keyblade weilders? They're stories haven't been told yet so I feel that means they may have a bigger story behind them...
  21. Is a Keyblade weilder? When I read the interview from Tetsuya, and saw that there may be more weilders, I thought of this....Think about it, only Marluxia and Larxene were the only ones who haven't been explained yet....What if she was one that lost her heart?
  22. I'm not gonna just ask if I already know...There's a reason why I'm asking this question....This is the first time I ever heard of a Organic body suit...
  23. I was reading on the wiki about Riku's Dark Mode and how it is a Organic Body Suit....Can anybody explain what is an organic body suit?
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