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Audg Paudg

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Everything posted by Audg Paudg

  1. "Guren no Yumiya", the theme of Attack on Titan, is amazing. AM I WRONG?

  2. I've been around politics since I was 3, and have had my birthday on election day every six years. There have been some awful campaign signs out there. But I think all of your ideas are terribly stupid, but that's what you were aiming for so *thumbs up*. I think a really bad one would be: "You need me. And nobody needs you." "Let's put all of the money we've so rudely taken- erm- you've so generously given, in a big bank labeled MY BANK." Nice job, guys. Nice job.
  3. Make haste, the mighty duck army is coming...

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Shulk


      He's offline, but I've informed him.

    3. Moochieh32


      The Duck-blade must've been forged! D:

    4. Audg Paudg

      Audg Paudg

      Gather all of your soldiers, weapons, strength, and courage!

  4. I made this today. Hope you like it!

    © #1kid

  5. Audg Paudg

    Attack On KH

    Brilliant Idea! Good job!
  6. It's official: I'm in love with a Kingdom Hearts fan. :)

  7. I think i got my heart back.

  8. So many things are on my mind. Why do you ask?


  10. Watched FF7: Advent Children movie last night. Never ever gets old.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Cucco



    3. Reyn


      Thats how i feel about watching Battle of Gods with subs. I could watch that every day for the rest of the year until i get bored with it, and even then i'd come back to it in a couple weeks anyway.

    4. Pangoro "Sen"

      Pangoro "Sen"

      I swear, I've seen something like this before. Maybe just deja vu, I dunno. Anyways, yeah, Advent Children, I just as well love it.

  11. cheers to this man for putting such excitement online. I salute him. BUT YEAH I WAS TOTALLY LIKE "OH MEIN GOTT! BRO COME HERE COME HERE COME HERE!"
  12. WELL THAT'S JUST AMAZING! MY CATS TURN 8 TODAY! HOW AWESOME! I still have 22 more days for my birthday...

    1. Cucco


      my grandmas cat lived to 25

    2. Audg Paudg

      Audg Paudg

      Yeah. One of my cats is really really fat. And the fatness of the cat weighs down cat's organs and kills the kitty. Plus he sprained his front leg a few days ago. So he keeps eating and another day goes by. But I am just happy and watching cat videos. It's like having a family member have a birthday. Everybody is happy. :)

    3. Xiro


      Little kitty cat

      You are very fat

      Happy birthday to him/her xD

  13. My friends are my power... and I'm theirs!

  14. Audg Paudg

    Roxas 13

    These two characters are my favorite of them all.
  15. My favorite number is 13... is and forever will be...

    1. Philip Ellwell

      Philip Ellwell

      My LUCKY number's 13...O.O

  16. Decisions... I like when Riku told Sora about Roxas. I think it was a time of realization about what had happened. Then when Roxas gave his memories of Xion and Axel to Sora, he was so overwhelmed. Roxas endured some hardships that Sora may not have been able to handle at the time.
  17. It's finally Friday and I forgot to do ALL of my English work... crap...

  18. Audg Paudg

    Sad Xion

    I made this because I've always admired Xion's sacrifice for her friends. I mourned her death just as Roxas did. Can anyone think of a quote to put on this?

    © #1kid

  19. I was thinking one day... it got dangerous.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Caboose


      i try not to think ether. Church says when i do i end up making things worse.

    3. Zola
    4. Xiro
  20. Goodnight, Nightvale, Goodnight.

  21. I went laser tagging and my name was "nobody". If I shot someone, they'd be like "Nobody tagged me... weird..."

  22. Trying hard to finish my book.

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