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Sea-salt icecream

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About Sea-salt icecream

  • Birthday 01/09/2001

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  • Member Title
    The Icecream That Never Was
  • Gender

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  1. lol vacation.well.spent

    1. DaxtotheMax


      Where did you go? to Disney World? :/..:}..:)..:0..:D...

  2. Hello peeps I'm back from my three week vacation from this site

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Kirie
    3. Sea-salt icecream

      Sea-salt icecream

      ^-^ alright great! Now I'm gonna take another three weeks off.

    4. nanex


      Don't Leave us come back


    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Sea-salt icecream

      Sea-salt icecream

      Happy late new year to you to!

    3. Sea-salt icecream

      Sea-salt icecream

      Wait my grammars off.....happy new year to you too...that's much better

    4. Roy


      You're a grammer...that's great, I can use some help in grammer. Oh thanks :D and hope you had a great vacation.

  4. Yesterday my teacher looked like an organization 13 member specifically Zexion....with creepy black cloak and book in her face...

  5. Merry Christmas peebles! Oh and a HAPPY NEW YEAR TOO!

  6. Hiya Sora! It's been a while! Early Merry Christmas I suppose?....

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Sora232323
    3. Sea-salt icecream

      Sea-salt icecream

      Nothing much just trying to cram in all the KH games to play during Christmas Break that's all.. How about you?

    4. Sora232323


      trying to play as much legend of zelda a link between worlds and kh 1.5 remix as i can.

  7. The awkward moment when you have no idea what to do when someone's crying

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Sea-salt icecream

      Sea-salt icecream

      ....well there's always those days when I'm in a good mood...^-^ Just kiddin' of course I ask but I always start with a "I'm confused" statement

    3. DaxtotheMax


      I know how you feel it's happened to me many times...I try to act like I don't see them crying because I don't know what to say because I usally know what's wrong.

    4. Sea-salt icecream

      Sea-salt icecream

      ^^Thank YOU someone actually understands! *highfives*

  8. OMG OMG I JUST GOT THE 1D PERFUME!!!! *fangirls*...... half the people that read this had a mini heartattack...

    1. Show previous comments  12 more
    2. TheWayToDawn


      I'm not taking the tissue back... just saying xD

    3. TheWayToDawn


      I'm not taking the tissue back... just saying xD

    4. Sea-salt icecream
  9. Yes people I'M ALIVE!! *gives barney face* MUHAHAHAHA!!!! *throws Laguna at you* FACE THE WRATH OF THE CREEPY RAPIST ›~‹ Wow much sparkle

  10. .-.fab boooooooo.....I mish yewwsh..........

  11. -Throws Sora at you- save merrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr

  12. .-. i'm going to get fat on thanksgiving save meeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee

  13. Hey there ^-^

    1. Sea-salt icecream

      Sea-salt icecream

      Sup homie *punches chest and realizes it was really unnecessary*

  14. Crap I suddenly think everyone around me is Laguna Loire.....WORST.DAY.EVER.

    1. Emrys


      why? that sounds awesome!

    2. Sea-salt icecream

      Sea-salt icecream

      Really think deeply about what you just said...

    3. Emrys


      OWWW AROUND YOU! I thought you said YOU ARE

  15. Is it worth finishing FF9 cause I find it extremely hard and I keep dying...

    1. Dave


      Absolutely. Think of the difficulty as a way of making the game more satisfying once you finally beat it.

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