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Neptune Vasilias

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Everything posted by Neptune Vasilias

  1. Welcome to Hell on Earth, I'll be your waiter this evening
  2. Sora's never been safe and he's in more danger now because "The closer you are to light, the longer your shadow gets"
  3. Oh Disney....the good ole days.....damn I'm getting old *slowly gets up to crack back then walks outside to sit on the porch in a wooden rocking chair*
  4. Out the door with shotguns blazin and the white boys are down at the college hazin
  5. No more but the ones I do want are: Kain Highwind Hero of Light Noctis Vaan Lightning, but very minor since they should've an entire trilogy down our throats Zidane Bartz Onion Knight
  6. I think all Norts will have a new type of Keyblade classified as false,fake,psuedo, or synthetic Keyblades
  7. I'm used to responding fast but my scatterbrain makes that hard sometimes
  8. Riku himself.....No but his sense of fashion and choice of apparel is godly
  9. Ohhhhh well then give me KeyGun,KeyLance,KeyShield, and KeyHammer
  10. I'd love to see Kingdom Key evolve like Terra and Aqua's Keyblades did
  11. When we're all brown skin from all the interracial relationships and babies :lol: I wish I could live to see it and all it's beauty
  12. The moment I forced my Dad to tell me all the things my Mom had done to me, my sister and Grandma like constantly harassing her and using my sister's college saving to buy a Mercedes Benz. I love my Grandma more than anything and when she moved I became depressed then I learned she was crying everyday because my Mom hated her being in the house my Dad built for me to go to school in the county and for her to escape the hood. She left because she was slowly dying of cancer while being harassed by my Mom and her friends through email and voice memos. Thinking about how they treated her I thought "Grandma was a better mother than the one that birthed me, my Dad lost his marriage, my sister lost a pivotal part of her future, and she doesn't care enough to continue to put money in my college fund and use it to pay off her credit card bills....fine then....firetruck her....Grandma I love you and I will see that you have justice". That day I vowed to become my Grandma's Avenger by succeceding in life without my Mother's help and getting a scholarship so my Dad can help out my sister and not me. That day the truth was told,my innocence died, my mother's only gotten worse, and I've gotten older and more perceptive of the evils a human can commit and how even if your a parent you can be a awful human being. She's done so much more that I won't tell but it's some pretty jacked up stuff. So the jist is evil mother, had to grow up early, and I live to serve my life as an Avenger first then a son
  13. Don't be afraid because they may be wrong but don't completely discard them because I had a premonition about one of my friends(a girl) getting raped and it happened and one about another friend(once again another girl) getting dumped by her boyfriend and that happened. I think you should talk to a psychologist if it keeps happening.
  14. I hate the WiiU and the entire Final Fantasy 13 chronicles because I loved the first but the rest I feel were just forced and poorly written
  15. I wanted to know what you guys listen to when you daydream? I mainly listen to Good Kid,M.A.A.D City(Deluxe Version) by Kendrick Lamar :lol:
  16. No because I intended to finish this goddamn platform jumper of series where I started it, Playstation
  17. Watching some throwback Batman Beyond and Justice League Unlimited

  18. Kingdom Key just because it looks the most like a Keyblade and it turns into guns
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