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Neptune Vasilias

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Everything posted by Neptune Vasilias

  1. Attraction Flow will be world-dependent like Nomura said and there will be a special Attraction Flow for certain bosses like we saw in the trailers. But it could be that bosses like Rock Titan chance the way a Attraction Flow works like the Train may fly during that boss fight but normally it will ride around and go in circles. Lastly Flowmotion will proababbky be downgraded to simple Parkour
  2. All the humans sucked except Mark Whalberg, the CEO guy and his assistant other than that it was perfect
  3. Did you?!?! Cause Kairi went there to start training because she's one of the 7 Lights said by Yen SId himself
  4. Saw the TV Spot on Disney Channel and absolutely fell head over heels for it
  5. Hopefully He shows up. Since Optimus went to space he might find some scattered Autobots for a new team of Transformers that only do Cybertronian transformations
  6. Well considering Nomura had a world and story for it in BBS, He could essential rewrite it for Sora,Donald, and Goofy or Kairi or Axel or even Riku and Mickey
  7. I would say no before but FIRETRUCK IT!!!!!!!!!!!!! Let's go all out baby!!!!!!!!!!! I want all of em. I want em on PS Now!!!!!!!!!!! But I'd prefer KH3 to be our KH of 2015
  8. Started with KH2 because Sora's clothes were the coolest threads my young eyes had laid there eyes upon. Plus Cloaked Ninja Mickey Mouse
  9. Love this guy. He's so informative and always on point
  10. Wasn't good but wasn't bad Has it's perks Great that we got another KH game Gave Nomura I chance to try out so new gameplay devices which isn't bad Ending and Secret Ending were the only parts that mattered But Data Sora was a good character and showed us yet again the power of Sora the Keyblade Wielder and his ability to bend the laws of nature and physics
  11. Maybe while get a Kingdom Hearts 3:Ground Zeroes TROLOLOL that will serve as a tutorial for Kingdom Hearts 3 the game
  12. His dark essence will be "scattered throughout space and time" and he will never reform again.Cue the part where Xehanort bequeaths his darkness to a bunch of other people then have the next saga or something like that
  13. Better and also it will look nothing close to that because...KINGDOM SHADERS but maybe the shine of their faces and lightning will be similar also shadow effects may be similar
  14. Just because you can doesn't mean they should Some people say the story is too similar which it is and even Nomura admitted to that Imagine the last few games with these worlds as reference for what they would be like if you put them in Lastly If we did get a world have it be Asgard because MAGIC
  15. People in KH don't die for the last time. No has and no one will
  16. Probably like Naruto where they are more serious on the task at hand but still are optimistic and keep a heart full of light
  17. All of the major ones pretty much that way you can separate the big dogs from the small frys
  18. "You gonna cry about it"- Sora, Kingdom Hearts 2, as he makes a face of distraught on the verge of crying Anything Hulk Hogan says Wolverine in a good portion of the X-Men movies "Kairi's inside me..." Sora, Kingdom Hearts 1
  19. Mirage Arena and that's it if anything but I would honestly love a spin-off Kingdom Hearts Dissidia considering the amount of character introduced since KH Dissidia was turned down by Disney and turned into FF Dissidia
  20. Hahahah that trailer is fake but Tron 3 is coming but I doubt before KH3 drops......So you know what that means.....DLC WORLDS FOR KH3!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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