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Everything posted by NIGHTMAREVIII

  1. I had the same problems with self esteem I'm still like that now but I just took it upon myself to realize that's just how I am. I posted earlier saying once I found some hobbies to get me away from the stuff that would get me depressed I felt a lot better. Boredom can also cause depression. Also if you have anyone in your life that brings you down all the time just completely erase them from your life, I just started doing this. Don't associate with people who bring you down there are too many people in this world to be hanging around someone who only brings u down. It helps a lot if you're out of HS bc you basically choose who you want to see after that period. Hope this helps.
  2. It would help if we knew what you were depressed about (I can understand if it might be too personal and you don't want to post it). You should find a couple of hobbies that you love and do those things, that's how I always escape from my depression. Also, everyone has problems all the time, the same problems you have now won't be with you for forever, they will pass. Something that also helps me is understanding that i'm not the only one who gets depressed, it's a normal thing everyone does it's just a lot of people hide their emotions.
  3. Not in a bad way I just didn't understand what you were saying.
  4. One direction is garage as heck.. Underrated Band: Trash Talk love em
  5. I love life, once I started not caring about what other people thought life got a wholeee lot better. I do what I like, i'm myself 24/7 and won't care what anyone thinks about what I do, what I like, or what I believe in. Thats how I love to live life. Also sex is incredible
  6. Id rather not hack anything but how do I use the component cables? IDk what that is.
  7. Hey so I have an HD TV and it's like 48 inches I believe and since I got this tv whenever I play KH the quality is really fuzzy but only with my ps2 games and not on my other systems. I googled this before and people said its bc pa2 games weren't made around the time HD TVS were so they aren't really compatible but Is there anyway to improve the quality bc sometimes I can get headaches while playing KH if I try to focus on the details too much. Thanks
  8. Hey guys I'm a huge KH fan but I've never really looked into the FF series, I just got done watching some gameplay of FF13 on YouTube and what can I say...the game looks awesome! I plan on buying a couple of the games but I just have a few questions about it: Is the game hard like The KH series? Does it have a storyline for all the games combined our is it different characters and story for each game? What's so different between it and KH? Thx!
  9. Huge we Bethesda fan, I love Skyrim, Fallout New Vegas, Fallout 3. These games are freaking amazing I love RPG's. I also like nba 2k
  10. Ppl do way worse things at younger ages then that, I lost my virginity at 16, and honestly I'm not going to be up here saying sex is like the worst thing you can do it's really not as long as you guys both respect each other and do it the safe way. I started dating at like 14 and I just started actually liking serious relationships now (I'm 19). I'm basically saying I don't really know how serious the relationship will be if you're into that type of stuff. When I was that age I remember people getting together saying they love each other and 3 days later breaking up and finding somebody new that they "love".
  11. On the PS3 platform? That would be cool but I would like to see it on the PS4 but we all know that's not happening.
  12. I was going to say Kairi but someone beat me too it..
  13. Haven't played BBS but that's pretty cool. I'm not even sure how Local works, whenever i've tried to play local on anything nobody ever pops up.
  14. How would online incorporate in the game thought? I love the idea I just don't think it would happen. Co-op would be awesome If online is added in KHIII that would mean it would have to be like super smash brothers format, you have a couple of characters to chose from till you unlock others. What if they added customization were you could make you're own Character!? Haha that will never happen.
  15. I love the dark nature of KH games, hope they keep it that way.
  16. Haha awesome! I have basically all the songs from the KH series I'm actually listening to them now. Such a great soundtrack.
  17. Very positive forum I already love it here. Much love.
  18. Hey whats up everyone. I'm so stoked to join this forum i'm obsessed with kingdom hearts I remember I was in elementary school when the first game came out in 2002 and I remember seeing my brother play it and when he wasn't home sneaking on to play it. ahh the good ole days Anyway, i'm just excited to talk about the greatest video game series ever IMO!
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