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Everything posted by DESTROYA

  1. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=p0V0-Ri8EjA&list=PLYG5ZtrxyMN6ezxpv32NkUKkdvd3cpiQj
  2. i disagree with it. but im sure its small, and itll pass for everyone. just for a bit of perspective though,i feel like it would sorta have the feel of as if halo transferred to PS. just over all weird, and unfitting.. and undeserving in my opinion.
  3. bummer dude.. but im pretty sure itll be live streaming. i mean i hope so.. im not sure where else i would go to watch it haha
  4. i wanna watch both! lol and it would be so hard for me if the KH presentation is still on air when TWD comes on, cause im so horrible at multitasking.. hahaha
  5. i always wondered the same thing lol my best guess would be 500 bucks
  6. so the gang just ignores it? and is just like "f your 5000+, its 5000." lol. or "go buy watermelons you rich show off..." JK i like that job too
  7. in KH2, you (as roxas) and the crew get random jobs in order to make money to go to the beach. afterwords, theres a cutscene that says that you all together made 5000 munny in total. has anyone ever done it?
  8. how do i add a topic??

    1. Show previous comments  2 more


      thank you :)

      lol and thank you? xD

    3. Sora


      In high school they called him the destroya of yo ass

    4. Lalalablah


      Oooooooooooo daaaaammmnn




      And you are welcome destroya (of yo ass/feelings)

  9. everyone hates the phantom, but i thought he was so fun! who i haate is Kurt Zisa!!!
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