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Everything posted by Uchiha

  1. I'd like to play as Aqua more! But at the moment, I would not like to play as Kairi... they seriously need to fix her character, I hated her in Kingdom Hearts 2, she was cool in Kingdom Hearts though.
  2. It would be too weird if Roxas returned, I personally don't want this to happen, Ven is Roxas. Xion could return... I'd be interested to see how this plays out 15. If there was balance, wouldn't that just mean that the darkness remains in the realm of darkness and the light remains in the realm of light?
  3. 4. I think there's some nice back story behind Isa and Lea, this will probably be explored in the next game, giving you some explanation as to why Axel was in the coat! 5. He was probably a lot older by the time he lost his heart 7. I think it would annoy me if Xehanort was everyone's grandfather, but since he is from destiny islands some deeper connection might be reveled in KH3 11. I would really like to see some Final Fantasy 12 and 13 characters. 13. Way too fan girl 16. Hmmm, maybe it will cause some greater problem, who knows?
  4. I bet you'd love to play as Ven? I like playing as Sora, but I also like playing as other characters. It get's boring with same character, Birth by Sleep was refreshing. Would like to play as Sora plus a few more for the sequel.
  5. I bet my peanut butter sandwich, Nomura will make them the same person some how.
  6. Dissidia is the only way I can see Sora coming any where near an actual Final Fantasy title and I doubt that is likely, maybe as a dlc character
  7. I meant compared to ReMix as a whole, but yeah, that is full on. I haven't played Kingdom Hearts 2 in ages, really keen for 2.5
  8. What's the run time though? Maybe KH2FM has a shorter run time?
  9. Does Atlantica count as a mini game world?
  10. Or they could have both! Kingdom hearts 2 had two mini game areas.
  11. I'd love to see a Blitzball mini game held in Destiny Islands! (Let me dream) It would be awesome to make Destiny Islands a Mini Game world
  12. I love the series, I thought the future trilogy was awesome! I hope they do a new trilogy and explore more about the Lombaxes, feels like the only loose end the future trilogy left.
  13. Probably around 9 My goal is to put as many things as I can on my gummi ship, to the point of stupidity
  14. For some reason my memory of the "gummshit" missions are worse than I actually found it this time through, I think it's fun pimping your gummi ship to the max and wrecking heartless ships.
  15. Not sure if it makes me a bad person (in forum land), but I dislike the fan art and fan fiction of Kingdom Hearts and Disney characters doing naughty things :( Even kissing hurts my heart a little, those poor innocent characters.

    1. Varnish


      That is understandable. Generally, I never feel comfortable with seeing anything that goes beyond kissing either. I think that hugs are fine, though.

  16. Roxas said this at the end of Kingdom Hearts 2 "I think I understand now, I remember myself the way you remember me and you remember yourself the way I remember you!" Roxas said this to Namine (I can't remember what he exactly said) I guess this is possibility, although I personally can't see Nomura doing this, but I guess all we can do is wait and see!
  17. Too... much..... Riku.....

    1. Kittenz


      Can't wait till you see javelins page xD

    2. Uchiha


      Javelin? If I see anymore i'm going to start waking up at midnight with a dry throat, which I will go to cure with a glass of water and as I got to get this glass of water in the dimly lit kitchen, I will then catch a glimpse of Riku in my reflection and drop the glass on the floor.

    3. Anonn0000


      Its true javelin's profile is worse than mine is xD

  18. I guess all we can do is speculate at this point.... But I beat my apples and pears that it will be Ven who comes back and fills the shoes of what was Roxas! Until then I shall wait my friend. I'm not a three year old, this is the internet, people need to be stoic. Edit: I think it would be Uber confusing if Roxas and Ven were running around together... Nomura wouldn't do that to people, would he?
  19. I can't handle sonic threads... haha. Yeah that thing looks challenged drawn like that, even drawn normally it freaks me out, the horn's a bit much?
  20. I am pretty keen for this, need to hold myself off replaying Kingdom Hearts 2 or Birth by Sleep
  21. I think if you played proud mode, you would have found him a little harder. I played on proud, I had to face him at level 70 because he kicked my ass on the levels before (probably due to me not having leaf bracer) I didn't use Tinker bell either, she annoyed me, I ended up using sonic a lot and she just stopped me from doing so. In saying all this though, he was the first secret boss I beat You should play Birth by Sleep, the secret bosses in it are a nice challenge, a lot harder than the ones in Kingdom Hearts, in my opinion any way.
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