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Everything posted by BlueKeyblade

  1. I can't stop dancing to "Simple and Clean" ^_^

  2. Skins is brilliant

  3. I'm starting to really like my tumblr :D it defines my likes and personality so much xD

  4. if it makes you happy then why the hell are you so sad?

    1. Philip Ellwell

      Philip Ellwell

      f it sounds random, why does it make so much sense? ^

    2. BlueKeyblade


      lol xD its a great song

  5. we could be heroes...just for one day.

    1. Lalalablah


      Who's the song by

    2. Emrys


      the wallflowers

    3. BlueKeyblade


      David Bowie - Heroes, no not the wallflowers sorry haha :P

    4. Show next comments  3 more
  6. i love me, i love me enough for both of us..

  7. Just ordered 'Beyond two souls' cant wait to play xD

  8. you have relived me from so much stress LOL thank u so much for that tip xD

    1. Lalalablah


      Haha anytime, glad I could help

  9. I love peoples reaction when they get to know me, when I tell them what kind of music I like and what games I'm into, that look is priceless xD

  10. I call upon the computer genius' to help me restore the connection to the beloved internet on my laptop! I kindly ask for your guidance..

  11. Playing Pokemon Silver, the nostalgia is intense! When i was a little girl i used to get scared when I had to battle hehe

  12. Welcome, I'm sure you'll have fun
  13. just made mine a couple days ago, "harlequingirll" (if you listen to panic at the disco you'll understand my name )
  14. i wanna play kh 1.5 and whoever wants to you can watch me on skype, even tho i get put off when people talk when i play games lol xD

  15. Ok thanks for that, ill get a mod to delete this then
  16. Oh really? I did a search but nothing came up...
  17. Hey guys, just post your psn (if you want to) and then we can all add one another. my psn is "harlequingirll"
  18. Might as well post my character here goes (i have left out info) Age: 18 SHSL: Chemistry Genius Appearance: Wears a V neck blue t-shirt and a pink tutu, with high heels.
  19. Hey, thanks for the add, hope to speak soon :)

    1. ReverofE


      No thank you for thanking me :)

  20. Operation: Sneaking into the secret chocolate stash!! >: )

    1. Show previous comments  10 more
    2. Philip Ellwell

      Philip Ellwell

      IT WAS YOU!!!~!

      * tackles lazy prince *

    3. teh lazy prince Xylek

      teh lazy prince Xylek


    4. Philip Ellwell

      Philip Ellwell

      * eats you *

      * burp *

      DA EVIL IS DEAD!!!

    5. Show next comments  3 more
  21. Does anyone play animal crossings?

    1. Philip Ellwell
    2. Lalalablah


      My sister is playing it right now on the GameCube

    3. BlueKeyblade


      wow i remember gamecube, ive still got my Nintendo DS so im playing it on that xD

  22. Just order KH 1.5, know I'm a bit late but oh well I'm still excited xD

  23. I chime in with a "Havent you people ever heard of closing a goddamn door?" No...it's much better to face these kinds of things with a sense of poise and rationality. xD

    1. XxBlossomingNobodyxX


      I chime in, havent you people ever heard of?

    2. Lalalablah



      You have no idea how happy it makes me to know someone with the same music taste as me

    3. BlueKeyblade


      xD Thats great haha, I'm glad as well, at least someone knows what song im singing along too hehe
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