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Everything posted by BlueKeyblade

  1. Kingdom Hearts 358/2 Days has taken over my life for the past 3 weeks xD

  2. Been a while, I've missed KH13 so much. Moved houses and engaged now! :D Happy Friday everyone. xx

    1. catmaster0116


      Congrats on moving houses and getting engaged!!

    2. BlueKeyblade


      Thank you so much :)

    3. Mystics Apprentice

      Mystics Apprentice

      Hey, welcome back, and congratulations on your engagement! How very exciting!

  3. finally I've got a Ps4 ^^

  4. Oh god yes lol, I always get the two mixed up for some weird reason
  5. For me its KH 2 I love traverse town ^^
  6. Day off from work = being in bed all day watching stuffs xD

  7. heyyyy :) love the song on your page I keep on replaying it haha :3

    1. Lalalablah


      Oh thanks haha I love Tame Impala their music is so good to just chill out to

      I'm glad you like it too!!

  8. I took a break myself, welcome back
  9. been gone for a while...entered back she has :)

  10. Haven't spoken to a few of you guys in a while

    1. Ruby Rose

      Ruby Rose

      Welcome back! ^^

  11. Sailor moon marathon

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. ReikuSSR


      The mangaka of Sailor Moon married Togashi-san.

    3. Anonn0000


      AWWWWWW marrage x'3

    4. MyDixieRect


      Fighting evil by moonlight, winning love by daylight...

  12. I need to cosplay Yoruichi!

  13. a bit late but got a Nintendo 3ds XL and I'm soo happy with it! Got Animal Crossing and Pokemon Y, Let the endless nights commence!

    1. Philip Ellwell

      Philip Ellwell

      I thought you'd died! D:

      Where you been?

    2. BlueKeyblade


      LOL thanks! I've been working n stuffs :P

  14. any otaku's 'round here?

  15. late nights, early morning -_-

  16. Watching Doctor Who from the beginning (Christopher Eccleston) All this talk about its 50th Anniversary has really made me watch it allll over again! I really wish I grew up watching it because its such an amazing show. Britain has got some of the best TV Shows xD

  17. ask me questions on http://ask.fm/bluepillowldn if your too shy to ask me on here xD

  18. yup it was time for a new profile pic me thinks ^_^

  19. its bloody cold

    1. Aang


      Enter the Realm Of Darkness. It's always mild. Subject your heart to darkness.

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