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Kenny Adams

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Everything posted by Kenny Adams

  1. oh i see i did not know because discovery owns wb now and i have not heard anything about vol 9 yet
  2. does anybody know if rwby ice queendom is a reboot or something else?
  3. i think that we will see more of Mewni and there will be flashback episodes and i think that ludo will be redeem in season three of star vs the forces of evil but that is what i think will happen in season three of star vs the forces of evil.
  4. does anyone think we will have a collectors edition of kingdom hearts 2.8 i don't think we will because all that japan is getting a keychain but i could be wrong and we do get a collectors edition we will just have to wait and see
  5. how big do you think the world of final fantasy 15 will be
  6. well i guess we will have to wait until comic con to see if they show more samurai jack
  7. who thinks adult swim will show more samurai jack at this year's comic con
  8. well i was just saying that its possible because i heard that young justice might be renewed for netflix
  9. does anybody beside me think that sym-bionic titan will be on netflix.
  10. i guess why i don't like it is because i asked myself after serah died why doesn't noel go back in time after it happened
  11. the worst video game ending is the ending in final fantasy 13-2 if you want you see it for yourself look for the ending on youtube if you have a ending you don't like tell me in this topic.
  12. Thanks you for telling me who did the voiceover. :smile:
  13. does anybody know who did the voiceover for the teaser trailer for Final Fantasy 7
  14. ok the little mermaid world in kh2 is pointless because first of all there are no heartless and second it is a button mashing musical all through the world so who else thinks it is a pointless world in kh2
  15. if you have a best animated movie for right now tell me what it is my is how to train your dragon 2
  16. What did you of Leontes Van De Montague as the villain in the anime.
  17. Who here on this site has seen Romeo x Juliet the anime
  18. tell me what is your top ten favorite Disney villain song
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