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Everything posted by vamp19vv

  1. ok update. They moved them. Thanks to Thorf's KH Final Mix guide i was able to find them. They are in the Hidden Chamber, Here's the link to his guide with all the updates. http://www.gamefaqs.com/ps3/684080-kingdom-hearts-hd-15-remix/faqs/21270
  2. Where is the best place to farm it? I need 4 right now for synthesis.
  3. Yea still nothing. i'm trying to get the secret ending and i need them i'm about to say screw it. i'm already level 60 and have done everything else in the game except beat sepheroth.
  4. The guide is what told me there it is. I even watched the youtube videos and i went to where they said the chest was and it wasnt there. I will try the bells though. I didnt know that. thanks.
  5. It's in the Queen's Castle. Across from the save point on the hedge.
  6. I have almost 30 hours in this game and i am missing 3 dalmatians. 58-60 i know they are in wonderland on the hedge. However, When i go to where they are supposed to be there is no chest there. I am pretty sure i got them a while ago. Is anyone else having this issue?
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