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Everything posted by Aang

  1. Wish I could say the same for you. Never bought a 3DS. Pesky, constant console switches. Very interesting I first thought you could play as Disney characters, roaming around a big open-world, and having the option to play as weird Japanese kids. lol, but nearly 8 years later we have that: Disney Infinity.
  2. Hello, This looks like you have put a lot of effort into this. Something that most people don't do! I support this, and I like this. Keep it going.
  3. Hello, My PS2 has gone through this before. It's not a big deal. But, the guy who fixed mine once told me that there are 3 different reasons for this. The worst meaning it dies. But, I myself do not remember how to fix it. I prefer you see to your local Gamestop whenever possible. I wish you luck with your PS2. -Ansem
  4. That soldier had cause to do so. A relative of mine did something similar to that. It is unfortunate, but we can't change the past, and we can't change it from ever happening again. Stuff like this always exists. And will never cease to exist. Animal Cruelty cannot be stopped. But, it can be slowed down.
  5. Hello there, Your on this site because you are a Kingdom Hearts fan? Right. If your not, close this tab. ( ) Everyone has a story...A way that they were first introduced and/or how you got interested and why to Kingdom Hearts? Tell me in the comments section below! I personally was around 12 at the time. Kingdom Hearts 1 was a hit at the time, and I was givin' a few dollars from my grandparents to spend. I couldn't find anything I liked so I kind of just browsed. Found "Kingdom Hearts" and, the name turned it off for me, but I saw the back, looking at ALL the Disney worlds, and how interesting it looked. So, I bought it. Was surprised, and went from there. And have been an addict since. So, as said above I would like to know what first introduced you to Kingdom Hearts, and how/why you got interested. Tell me in the comments section below! Thanks, -Ansem
  6. Final Fantasy VII Remake Kingdom Hearts Dissidia -What Caity had said previously, that sounds interesting. A story centered around Kiari. A meaningful Tekken game Final Fantasy X-3. Battlefront 3 Assassains Creed: V And a few more to name........... But, I don't want to do the effort.
  7. I was like this once. You'll get over it.
  8. Same thing happens to me. PEople either think Kingdom Hearts is a girl game, or a card game. Or a Japanese anime. No one understands us fans.
  9. Nomura is saying that Sora, Donald, and Goofy are searching for the "Key" to unlock hearts. And Riku, and King Mickey are recovering those lost. Nomura says in interviews playing as Mickey will be possible!
  10. No one loves Ansem? I guess I may never find out.
  11. I admit, one major trouble was once Sora finished his last blast with his guns, he just kinda floated down awkwardly. But don't worry, those models were just thrown in there. And the Health, and MP bar looked to also just be thrown in there. This isn't even an Alpha version. So no need to panic. There are 2-4 years until release. And they will be showing new content bit-by-bit until then. There is still so much to be done. He's a confused one. Even I, Ansem enjoy BBS better than the other titles.
  12. No, we have to wait 2-4 years. Stay away from this site, youtube, and/or any spoilers for 6 months. Get our copy, and then wait 10 years for the final mix.
  13. Hi, You realize this is KH13.com. for everything Kingdom Hearts. And not, HP7.com, for everything Harry Potter. I just wish things non-related to Kingdom Hearts or Final Fantasy be put specifically in chat rooms, PM's, and other sources.
  14. Hello, I can't say I've been in such a situation. Considering I'm not the smartest guy on the block. But, if I was in your shoes, I would give it a shot. If this means a lot to you, than go for it. It's always worth a try. If you were to revoke, or do nothing you'd never know, wouldn't you? -Ansem
  15. We will need it. I'm tired of logging in to see very, dumb posts that have almost no relevance to Kingdom Hearts at all. It doesn't have to be new news every time.
  16. Man. This Forum is slow on news. This thread has been posted countless times.
  17. If your talking about the story of the game, Sora, Donald, and Goofy search for the " Key" to unlock hearts. Meanwhile, RIku and King Mickey search for those who lost. Since Riku is a keyblade master, he can open the chamber of slumber. Thus, finding Ventus. Secondly, Aqua is in the Realm of darkness. Axel, ( Lea ) has the power to use the darkness at his will. Meaning a way into the Realm Of darkness. And saving Aqua. Terra though, is in quite a pickle.
  18. Those are some creative ideas you have there! Although, I do not think it's the best decision to have DLC's for this installment.
  19. I was thinking the traditional Keyblade Graveyard. Due to the fact, the other "Fallen Keyblade Wielders" have all fought there. Same as Terra, Aqua, and Ventus. And you cant forget that opening cutscene in Dream Drop Distances.
  20. Your right. We can only hope. I wish we could know bit-by-bit. Because there is no other news. People just talk off-topic for months on end that have no importance whatsoever. I want to talk Kingdom Hearts, not what you found on google that one morning. I'm here to talk all things kingdom hearts.
  21. I think she would look better as a heartless. My puppet, but you know..........
  22. Well, Nomura had said that all these titles served as tests, and experiments. Testing new things he may want to add, and polish into Kingdom Hearts III. I believe he will look into these factors, and see what from which game he can include to better improve the game. But, as always will be brushed-up and improved. Much like Flowmotion was and is in 3D, now a polished version in Kingdom Hearts III.
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