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Everything posted by Aang

  1. Finally someone who realizes this, and lives by it. None of my friends ever did that. Even people who refuse to ignore it's teachings must admit that it teaches good morals, gives wisdom, and builds good character. I someday, hope to teach my children this. But most boys, are like that. But few are idiotic enough to actually do it.
  2. Yep, arrogant, hard headed, lazy Americans....
  3. The Bible is the best book to live by, in my opinion. It teaches of good morals, and gives wisdom. That is why, I was respectful of women, saw them for them. And did not desire to do that. Too bad the others today live by Grand Theft Auto V.
  4. True. Throughout highschool, all my friends did it, but I never did. I just didn't value that.
  5. Hormonally stressed out teens. And boys with no respect for women.
  6. Not if the girl responds playfully. But I agree. I was the odd one out in my "group" I had common decency. lol, I wasn't defending guys who do that, I was just explaining from a guys point of view
  7. Believe it or not, guys converse with one another about who has the biggest butts, the biggest boobs, and they think about it. It means they like what she's got. but it's the way it is. And they slap there butts. It's a sign of affection in a sexual way. In high school they did it all the time. It's playful, and naughty. I was never like that, I was taught common decency.
  8. I love gifs :)

    1. Caity


      I love gifts.

    2. Moochieh32


      The gifs that keeps on giving.

  9. Not all slaves were treated like that. Many were, but not all. And as for the Native Americans, *They were taken from there homes. *Seperated from there families. *Lied, and decieved many, many times. *Forced off of there own lands *Were arrested for just being Native American *Were almost completely wiped out etc.
  10. I agree completely. I was talking about the Asians that were locked away in camps during the Vietnam War. On US soil. Not affairs in there nation.
  11. Native Americans had it the worse- not Blacks. Native Americans were lied, cheated, bullied, treated like animals, and nearly wiped out.
  12. When considering Racial holidays, you have to look at the big picture. White people as a whole have contributed greatly for the innovation, of America, and the whole world. Asians fought for freedom during the Vietnam War, and got it. All races have contributed to the evolution, and innovation of the world. Your argument is closed minded. In order to understand fully, you must look at the big picture.
  13. Hello all! Black History month is apparently in affect. And I wanted to know your opinions on if it is necessary or not. An entire month dedicated to one race? Is it fair? Yes, or no and why. Should every race get a month dedicated to them? Yes, or no and why. I personally, think that no race is better than the other. That all have equal opportunity to excel in life. And that it's not the race, but the person that happens to be that race. I think that celebrating an entire race is wrong. Even if there wasn't one for black people but for white, or Asians, etc. I think it's wrong for all races. Because it's what the person has done, not the race. There are good, and bad people in every race. Not to mention, celebrating the Blacks, and Latinos, and not celebrating the other four races. It's implying that they deserved to be recognized, and not the others. People sometime say, it's due to the fact that blacks were once slaves. They're free now, so don't cry about it. No one in this, or the last generation were slaves. And, not just blacks were slaves, but all races were slaves in every part of the world. Overall: I think that all races have equal opportunity. And that no race deserves it's own holiday. Because it's the person, not the race. Let me know your opinions below! And leave a like or else ^_^ -Aang NOTE: This thread is for members to converse there opinions. No racial discrimination, or arguing is intended. This thread is completely necessary, due to the fact that it is Black History Month.
  14. Reading all this talk about "time travel" and such is giving me a migraine.
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