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Everything posted by Aang

  1. To all who've seen the movie, does this look familiar?
  2. I'm interested. Just, do I have to be someone else?
  3. I believe it's a link, URL. Says "destinyislands.com" Could be a picture, video, or just a link to this site.
  4. Basically everything the people up there ^ typed.
  5. I doubt it will release in March. I doubt any game will be announced, and release in just a months time. Pre-order time? I'm thinking July at the earliest, and December and the latest.
  6. Honestly, the lack of news has really grinded down my excitement. The lack of new content. I played 1.5 for around 50 hours- in one week. After that, it's dust covered on the shelf. The big holes between releases really grinds down my excitement. I just want new content. When It's announced, I'll pre-order in the first few days and that'll be that. I still love it, but it doesn't feel special anymore.
  7. Eh, I never got into Lightning's story. I bought the first one, played around seven hours. And I got my money back.
  8. That's got to be my favorite Final Fantasy story. I never got into Lightning's story as I did Tidus. I love Final Fantasy X so much, yet I haven't heard of a X-3 0_0
  9. Have you checked kh-vids.net? You can find the Riku in monstro cut scenes there. But as for everything else, the only place I've seen them in on Youtube. Try checking the alternate Kingdom Hearts site, one's got to have them. That scene is not secret. And there's a download on kh-vids.net/ for it. I'll provide it.
  10. I've thought, and searched for a while. Haven't found any
  11. I don't know any that come in your size.
  12. I got the same thing, and ranted about it on my profile. I think he got mine! It's going so slow.. I got the same thing.
  13. When I try to access my friends profiles- it says they contain malware. 0_0

    1. PrinceNoctis


      Ah! I see! Thanks for the info :)

    2. WakingDawn96


      Malware is how fire benders steal your information and ruin your life

    3. Aang


      I should have known!

    4. Show next comments  99 more
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  15. Add me. I don't bite.

  16. Keep up the good work. Cause I'll be reading it!
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