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Everything posted by Aang

  1. The title alone is a big turn off for most people. Not to mention the Disney characters. Most people look at it like a kids game, and that alone. When they do give it a try it's usually by force, or by the influence. Not by there choice. Thus, they enter it close-minded and they do not open up, and see the joys it comes with.
  2. Xeveemon, I cannot judge who cares for you, and who doesn't. But I can say that there are people who love, and care for you. I will continue to pray over you. And I wish to help you. I will intervene no longer. But if you want someone to speak to, I will gladly help you. -Aang
  3. Pitiful. Just pitiful. It shows how corrupt this society is becoming. I was always taught to respect women, and respect your relatives. This is just wrong. Children shouldn't even know what porn is. This boy knows what he did, and he is in NO innocent. What did he gain from this? Nothing. That poor young girl. Forever traumatized. My prayers are directed towards not only her, but that boy's soul as well.
  4. Xeevmon, In life, everyone faces times of hardship, fear, doubt, and worry. In this life, we will encounter times like these. It's all about how you handle it. Suicide is certainly not the way. It is the cowards way out. The main reason individuals commit suicide is because they feel lost, alone, isolated. Like- there is no meaning to go on. But let me tell you this: God has a plan for you. He has a plan for everyone. You do have purpose, we all have purpose. It may feel like no one cares for you, or your alone but God cares for you, your family and friends care for you. You have meaning, you have purpose. Worldly troubles will always pass and go. Life is a one time gig. Don't waste it. There will always be opportunities to change, you must seek them out, and grab them. True happiness doesn't come from money, and success but through God. I truly wish you luck on your journey, and will pray for you. -Aang
  5. There is absolutely no shame in playing through easy mode. Especially in the Final Fantasy series. I'm considered a "weak" gamer. Because I ALWAYS start on the easiest mode possible, and work my way up.
  6. And this ladies and gentlemen is the opening theme for Kingdom Hearts III.
  7. Toothaches, cramps, got sued, and I'm getting married. So much stress X_X

    1. Aang


      My buddy and I released our latest app game. Our in-game credit system broke. So, people would pay and wouldn't get there in-game credits. We responded wrong, and were sued for fraud. ( Completely unintended ) so, I have a hole in my pocket, lost a huge source of income. As you can imagine. x_x

    2. Demyx.


      dayuuuum son. thats some shit

    3. Aang


      Tell me about it :/

    4. Show next comments  90 more
  8. Three police cars just showed up at my neighbors door. And my neighbors just a sweet old lady O_0

    1. WakingDawn96
    2. Javelin434


      Plot Twist: she's the most decorated retired detective who stopped world destruction TWICE, and now the police force is asking for her help once again xD

    3. WakingDawn96


      Javelin, remind me to hire you as a writer for my TV show, that twist you just said is really great

    4. Show next comments  90 more
  9. I'm alright. But come time the Gummi Ship section, I'm like: I have NO idea what I'm doing.
  10. I was right! Goat Simulator took home the gold! This is where they got there inspiration:
  11. Where's my happiness?

  12. Well, I wish her the best of luck. I've lost an aunt, grandma, grandpa, and sister due to smoking.
  13. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=R-deO2vjxlY
  14. Smoking is bad for your lungs. For all ages. The law is you must be at least 18. If this young girl continues down her path, she will pay later. My sister smoked at age 13, and got lung cancer at 17. So, I only wish the girl chooses to leave that awful product behind.
  15. You're not the only one. You bet it. I love sim games! I have so many prepare yourselves.
  16. I'm going to buy some "Scratch Out!" Finally, now I can play my favorite PS2 classics :D

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