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Everything posted by Aang

  1. Man that had me laughing! But in all truth, that letter is probably decently accurate.
  2. Nice to see you back again! While faces come and go a few still remain. We all miss Sora96 and arguing with him. It was a good time.
  3. Terra is easiest for a player like myself, that likes to hit, hit and keep hitting till it dies. I'm not into all the magic side of things so much as I am hitting. As far as game play goes, Terra. Story? Aqua.
  4. More water tribe food. ( Real fans know what I'm talking about here )
  5. It was acceptable, but nothing special. Music wasn't very fitting at all.
  6. Oh you bet man..........ZigZag suburb would be great. Get a subway afterwards.
  7. Makes perfect sense to me! I see no problems with this logic.
  8. Just when you thought 2-3 mods were enough............You got me <MWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAA! 0
  9. This is saddening. I have surprisingly enjoyed Disney Infinity a lot. Though even then the amount of play sets available already is huge. The possibilities with whats already here is a large wealth of content. But I would have loved to get more from upcoming Disney films and such.
  10. Very accurate. I only see truth in this, you got to love the duck and hate him all at the same time. There's a reason I pick Ariel over him every time.
  11. Welcome! Nice to see a new, strange face on the forums! There's plenty more from where you came from
  12. For me it'll always be Uncharted three. Great game that I still revisit from time to time.
  13. I'm sorry Joan, I know how you feel. Its not right, but the first step is calming down a bit. Like the folks above said, there are worse scenarios and situations, and simmering with anger is only a detriment to your health. Sure, that guy was wrong in doing what he did, and the situation in general is messed up, but holding onto that anger only worsens things. These things are temporary, things get better as life does. You have your lows, and your highs. So don't lose hope for a better tomorrow. Trust me, as someone with depression and anxiety issues, things ALWAYS improve in life. This is a low point. After a low, comes a high.
  14. I wouldn't really be all that invested or emotional over it. We've waited long enough, the game comes when it comes. It no longer resides as the heart of my universe so I can wait a while
  15. I love the smell of freshly made bacon, eggs, and pancakes. Those are the best!
  16. I wanna see the film too. Each new Marvel film outdoes the next for me, so I don't expect any different here. The only Marvel movie that the sequel didn't live up to its original in my opinion, was Thor 2.
  17. I'd personally love that. I see everyone all wanting new films included into the games, branching out at Marvel and Star Wars. But I personally want old classic Disney characters and worlds like these.
  18. Hmmmmmm........This may ruffle some feathers but I'd give it a 10/10 if only they had more hads.
  19. Hype simply blows things way out of proportion and has fans expecting so much the longer it is allowed to build. And they aren't wrong, it is rather cancerous.
  20. Man these bots today are something else. Talking about blemishes and birthday gifts. But never fear! Aang and the others shall prevail

    1. MythrilMagician


      Just people creating this software that finds sites like this, creates an account and makes a post for the sake of advertising. Doesn't work when we're around :3

    2. Aang


      That's right. They don't make it very far when the mod team is around :P *high fives*

    3. MythrilMagician
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