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Everything posted by Aang

  1. Leaving to Bermuda now. See you all in the next life, or in a few days. No one knows. THAT'S the fun part. -Aang

    1. Amber Cole

      Amber Cole

      See ya! have fun!

    2. DaxtotheMax


      Have fun and watch out if you hear crazy sounds

    3. Amber Cole
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  2. We're just about to leave. Mabye to our deaths. Who knows? See you all in the next life, or in just a few short days! -Aang
  3. Haha, be sure to look at the thread to see updates on Bermuda.

    1. Javelin434


      You're still alive?! I thought you'd be sunk by now! *Stares at makeshift memorial* Well this is awkward...

    2. Aang


      lol Javelin! We haven't even left yet. We're setting off tomorrow.

    3. DaxtotheMax


      Watch out for whirlpools and lots of other crazy stuff

  4. Yeah, thanks. I've been on Mission trips before, but never SAILED. lol
  5. Hello all, Yes, you heard correctly I'm SAILING to the Bermuda Triangle for a church mission trip. You may have heard of the fabled tail on the "Devils Triangle" Haha, I'm excited for this! One of my biggest dreams was to be a sailor. I've always loved the sea. I'll be inactive from 10th-15th. Wish me luck, and happy sailing to ye! UPDATE: I will post updates here, and possibly a new thread.
  6. I love listening to Sea shanties! :P

  7. I love "Brother Bear" and Spirit.

    1. Aang


      I think they're under rated. I want one of them in Kingdom Hearts III

    2. bit


      I like the beginning of brother bear. everything after he turns into a bear is very meh to me

    3. DaxtotheMax


      I used to watch Spirit all the time...and now it just gets old

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  8. It all makes sense now...
  9. Better than the original version in my opinion.
  10. Setting up Multiplayer servers is REALLY ticking me off!

    1. Alexaclmn


      For what game?


    2. Aang


      I have a game I'm making. And I've been trying to set up a test server for testers. I HATE it...

    3. DaxtotheMax


      Whenever you need something let me know and I'll help

  11. Posted the wrong one lol, check this one out.
  12. Hello, Just thought I'd share this video. The site has been stale lately and I thought I would share this video. Enjoy, http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I_yJiFzXK3I
  13. Yup! This... is our president. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=45y6gdiqSKU
  14. 5/10 not my thing Avatar: The Last Airbender
  15. That would be the line at Game stop, the day the PS4 was launched.
  16. You guys are worrying too much. You see, the president of Ukraine secretly held negotiations with President Putin. And at the end, he basically gave up his country. Because the Ukraine president couldn't handle a civil war. There were those who wanted to be under Putin and Russia, and those who wanted to be there own country. The Ukraine president was charged with treason, and is locked up. The Russian troops are in Ukraine to take over the territory. They will not kill any, unless there is a resistance. It is just in case, and to show them fear. Obama is too much of a weakling to get involved. The world overreacted to the situation.
  17. Don't worry guys! If there's a World War III, I'll protect you. Remember, I'm the Avatar...

    1. Xer


      I suppose you're talking about that Russia-Ucraine issue?

    2. Aang


      In a way, yes. But all this talk of a World War III.

    3. DaxtotheMax


      Between the Fire, earth, and water nations

  18. Obama is to much of a wuss to get involved in a third World War. I honestly think a third world war wouldn't be the end. And one will not come out of this. And don't worry Villi! No one dare touches Icelanders!
  19. Thought I'd post a little soundtrack. This brings back memories. Dave Mira Freestyle BMX 2. Was my favorite game back then! Check it out. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GybhmEvcFX8
  20. Hey all, I realize I've posted countless times about this. But I promise, this will be the last topic on this. Anyhow, many people are curious about the game we're developing. Nine of our members here, along with myself are working on this project. This project is non-profit. And 100% free. Here you can get information on the game. Feel free to comment any questions, or suggestions! If you would like a download link to the testing servers, please let me know. Simulator Sandbox: Simulator Sandbox will be a free-to-play, free roam MMO. The premise of the game is to build your self to success. You start from nothing. This game has no "main" story. As there is no main direction! You, the player will get to decide your own path. You can get a job, and work your way up the system. The game will feature over 50 jobs! Each job, mini-game, and activity is a simulator. Thus, the name "Simulator Sandbox" You start your reign in one of four regions. Each region contains a set of four major towns. The game will be much like Grand Theft Auto. You can do whatever you want. The possibilities are limitless. The game WILL feature: Four regions, ( Four locations per region ) 50+ simulators/jobs, relationships, and more! If you have any questions PLEASE do not hesitate to ask! -Aang Support this game! Let us know you care! Comment, like, etc.
  21. Why is Russia invading Ukraine>

    1. lea12345


      well as long as they aren't killing anyone I guess its ok?

    2. Aang


      The Ukraine president surrendered. I say Russia is going to take back Soviet Union

    3. Shana09


      We are going to have "Duck and Cover" back soon aren't we?


      and obama isn't going to do anything, why get into foreign affairs with our most feared enemy during the Cold War

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