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Everything posted by Aang

  1. Calling all nerds! I have found this article, of a man, who has gotten the chance to see part of the Star Wars opening, and plot. Due to restrictions, he cannot banter about it all, though he has kept it fairly vague. Enjoy, I'm going to keep this vague. I have no interest in spoiling Star Wars Episode VII, although I'm sure some people will find any information about the film's plot to be spoilery. If you're a spoilerphobe or want to go into Star Wars Episode VII totally, completely clean, stop reading now. If you want to know what, on a very basic and general level, is the premise of Star Wars Episode VII, read on. Ready? Imagine the standard Star Wars crawl, and when it ends the camera pans up to the stars. But instead of a spaceship zooming into frame we see... a hand! A severed hand, tumbling through space. A severed hand gripping a light saber. That hand falls onto a desert planet, where it is discovered by characters who will be our heroes. One is Daisy Ridley. The other is John Boyega, who is playing someone trying to change his path in life (again, I'm keeping it vague here). They recognize the light saber as a Jedi relic and decide to return it to the proper people. Their quest takes them off world, and they meet up with Han Solo and Chewbacca, who aren't flying around in the Millenium Falcon anymore but are piloting... well, that could be a spoiler. I'll leave it. Anyway, Han and Chewie recognize the light saber as Luke's, and they say they haven't seen their friend in thirty years, since the events of Return of the Jedi. So begins a quest to find the missing Jedi Master. Meanwhile, on an ice planet, nefarious forces are building a super weapon, one capable of destroying not planets but entire solar systems... In many ways this plot of Episode VII is an echo of A New Hope. Instead of R2 coming to Tatooine it's a hand falling from the sky, but the basic sweep of the story is similar, and intentionally so. But things that seem familiar may not be as familiar as you think - don't assume that every ice or desert planet in the galaxy has already been visited, if you know what I'm saying. There's more, of course - this is just the broadest of outlines, a basic synopsis. On the one hand I sort of roll my eyes at the story echoing A New Hope, but on the other I like the propulsive quest concept. I'm hearing extremely positive things about the action, and very, very good things about the characters themselves and the way the actors are bringing them to life. Again and again I'm hearing that John Boyega owns this movie. What do you think? How does the basic plot of Star Wars: The Hand Of Skywalker (not the real title!) sound to you? Original article can be found here: http://badassdigest.com/2014/07/20/exclusive-star-wars-episode-vii-plot-details-revealed/ Cheers, -Aang
  2. I still see no point in the group, regardless.
  3. Don't know. Anyone here know how to bend?
  4. Obama's the Anti-Christ personally, I think he's too STUPID!
  5. Lot's of negative replies here- as per expected! What a great response! Over 50+ replies, that's great!
  6. At least I have someone here to convene with regarding my facial hair. Gosh, what's wrong with wanting to know what's best? No idea what Eid is, but cool beans!
  7. What should I do? Keep the stache? Remove the stache? What? Decisions, decisions....
  8. That's my brother. Get used to it Well spoken, Golden.
  9. Here's another, I'm the bloke to the right. At the beach with some good friends And, please- don't ask just like....... ( PSSST I'm to the right. ) PLUS: Should I keep the stache? Let me know!
  10. That's reserved for PM :happy:
  11. That's quite the toiler you have there
  12. Me and my family at the beach! Looks just like your profile picture.
  13. Check the reviews the game has, really. IT's a great idea, and premise but I think it ultimately fails in overall completion. Cheers, -Aang
  14. No..I can't believe I didn't notice this! And, I was there!
  15. Hey guys, This seems pretty interesting, let me know what you think below. I hope I get in on these benefits! I signed up two months AFTER this occurred though. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WiL0drJXhfk&list=UUtUhzIOc-x_m3NqBvT7UCrw Cheers, -Aang
  16. Please keep in mind making a review video is beneficial for both parties. They will get money from making a video covering it. And we will gain website signups, and more players. There's a potential gain for profit. Hardcore IGN subscribers will see it, as they do all there videos. Plus, the pirate PC MMO genre is nearly dead, with many fans awaiting a new set of titles to revive the genre. They will see it to. Cheers, -Aang
  17. That is unfortunate. I suppose we'll see what happens. Know any youtubers that do this sort of thing?
  18. We are a small studio and even smaller team. We would like to reframe from spending too much on advertisements. We wish to have IGN writers come and play the game for themselves and that they hopefully find it good enough to review. When they review something, it's a mutual gain. More traffic on our websites, resulting in more players. More views on there videos, resulting in more $$. We've tweeted them, emailed them, physically wrote a letter, and messaged them on there own forums. Still, only one reply: Mitch, high up on the IGN staff:
  19. Hey there, That's not me playing, or the team. That's a user created video. I only shared that one there because It's a well made collage of clips. And we use a simple, and professional email as well. Though I get your point. Any advice to grab there attention? What's your point?
  20. Thanks. Play if you want, It's all free. Anyhow, anyone by any random chance know an editor at IGN that would be willing to listen? Cheers, -Aang
  21. The game is called "Wind of Luck Arena's" I am a developer, not the head of the operations. Website: http://forums.windofluck.com/ Gameplay: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GyESfw1bdC8
  22. Hello there, As you may know, I'm a developer for several projects. One of them being a brand new, clean cut MMO. I've been trying to contact the IGN editors for days now, and only one awkward encounter occurred. I suppose they view me as a bot, or something, but rest assure I'm apart of a legitimate game project, that simply wants some public spotlight. They are so hard to contact, you wouldn't even believe it. Wish me luck, as I attempt to get them to speak about the game! Cheers, -Aang
  23. This isn't right. Nickelodeon drains millions on stupid 1-2 seasoned shows that are nothing but empty comedy, spending even more on advertising. And yet, the Legend of Korra is a completely different show compared to those other stupid ones. And they only get one week's advertising before the season releases, and in result ratings plummet. Rating plummet, Nickelodeon not happy, and this is what they do. I say Mike and Bryan ditch Nick and get picked up by Disney, or Cartoon Network.
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