Hello guys,
Aang here to give you my take on Platinum Games latest installment; The Legend of Korra Game. So, did the game live up to the hype? No, is this "game-of-the-year" material? Not even close. But this game is good, to a certain point. Seeing early reviews, I felt the reviewers weren't fair. They expected some masterpiece open world, charming and dashing adventure the show is. Sadly, this isn't found here, and it in no way surprises me.
Let's talk game play, shall we? The game has you playing as Korra ( obviously ) in a fast action, fast paced bending combat. The game has you constantly revolving between all four elements, as you'll need to as you progress in the game. The game play is quick, and this game is HARD. Even on the easiest difficulty, this game gives even the most veteran of gamers a challenge. The game's bending combat becomes repetitive within the first three levels or so, however, as the game progresses so do you.
You begin to learn more skills, and combat moves that are widely seen in the show. The enemies, while challenging and competitive, do become boring and complacent. Throughout the game I found myself fighting the same bosses every single level up until around the 5th level. How do they change it up? Well, they change the bosses clothing, and hair color, and I'm assuming that completely changes the person, right?
You battle in little "stages", in a way. When you encounter enemies, force fields inconspicuously lock you into a small square, area where you must defeat them. Depending on how you do, and the time you complete it in, you will receive a medal. Bronze, Silver, and Gold. Very unoriginal, and very typical.
Overall, the game play is challenging, fun, and I feel they scored in this field.
Now, onto the story:
The gist of the ENTIRE story is that Korra mysteriously loses her ability to bend in the beginning of the game. From then on, we spend our 3-5 hour journey chasing down the cackling old hag who took your bending away. Along the way you re-learn how to bend by stupid mini-challenges. "Evade 10 enemies to become an airbender", "Counter 3 attacks to become an earthbender" and so forth. The cut scenes look worse than the quality of the Last Airbenders. Meaning, the cutscenes have little to no detail, the voice acting is somewhat laughable, and the story and characters have NO charm.
I love the show, both airbender, and Legend of Korra. The best thing both shows have that most don't is the reality, the real characters and relationships with the well balanced story. The game has absolutely NO story, and it is not worth paying any effort into understanding. The music in the show is beautiful, as ever. That is another thing that I love about both shows, the emotional, breath taking music soundtracks. This game does this perfectly well.
Now, let's talk PRO BENDING! The second game mode of the game. This game mode is nice, I liked it. I enjoyed playing through it. It didn't pack much content, thus forth playing it felt boring and empty within the first 30 minutes to an hour of playing the game mode. This game should NOT be regarded as something special, or a must buy. The game felt rushed, and it was. IF they would have taken just a bit more time, the game could potentially be regarded as a masterpiece.
I personally would like to see an open-world version of such a game. If they could have added in 6 months to a year of developmental time, so much more could have been added.
If you're a fan of platinum games, I say buy it. However, if you're a fan of the Korra series, it's not a must-buy. You don't miss much, at all.
Beautiful soundtracks
Fun Game play
No story at all
Terrible dialog
Very Short
Essential Question: Is this game worth 14.99$? No, the game is too short ( 3-5 hrs. ) wait for a price drop.
Verdict: 6/10