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Everything posted by Aile

  1. I expected there to be a bit more Keyblades. I was kinda dissapointed we couldn't get Oblivion for example. I hope they'll add some more with the DLC.
  2. You shouldn't let the negativity get to you. If YOU enjoyed the game, THAT is what counts, not what others think of it. Atleast that is how I looked at it. People can keep on shouting how the game was dissapointing to THEM but that doesn't change MY opinion on how I loved it. The game has flaws sure, but I still had lots of fun.
  3. I cried the whole time because I couldn't believe I was actually playing it lol
  4. I love the game and that's enough for me. It's a shame not everyone is on the same boat as I am but that is just how it is. The game had flaws, but every single KH game has flaws, people really need to stop acting like KH2 is perfect, because it isn't. Every single game has flaws to a certain extend. A lot of people also just get very easily offended these days if someone has a different opinion. Sure there are also trolls and people who hate just for the sake of hating it. But you have those kind of people everywhere. If I was in charge of KH3 I would've done some things different, sure. But this is what we got and we can't change that.
  5. I really don't know what people expected from this game? When I read some people were ready to leave the franchise before the game came out I was expecting a garbage game with a garbage ending but I did not experience this myself. Sure, the game had some flaws. All the KH games have flaws, but people suddenly act like 3 is the only one for some reason. But overal I enjoyed the game a lot. If people don't like it, welp, that is their opinion. But don't shame others for liking it.
  6. When Resident evil 2 and Kingdom Hearts 3 release just a few days from eachother.
  7. Yeah, I think the reason that they decided to cut it is because it wasn't important to the story.
  8. Sadly, things like this happen all the time in games. Some stuff just don't make it to the final cut for a lot of different reasons.
  9. Standard. I want to take it easy on my first playthrough, but not too easy.
  10. I don't know the reason as to why, but on pretty much every Dutch website the release date has changed from the 29th to the 26th.
  11. Oh my god I got this e-mail as well! (fellow Dutchie here)
  12. I have a lot of different emotions. I'm very excited because I've waited years and now the wait is almost to an end. But also sad because this is the final game of the saga. And also angry because of the leaks and stuff online. I'm constantly on my toes because I'm scared I'm gonna spoil myself. Which ALMOST happened thanks to youtube's reccomendations. (thanks youtube) I don't care what all these leakers say about the game. And I think other people should do the same. Wait until you play the game yourself before you form an opinion. Everyone has a different taste and just because some leakers say something doesn't mean you think the same about it. RIP my social life when the game finally comes out.
  13. Youtube has been recommending me a lot of spoiler vids. The thumbnails and titles of the vids didn't spoil anything luckily. No crap like (INSERT CHARACTER HERE) DIES!! I installed a video blocker expansion for Chrome just to be safe.
  14. Wow. People sure are negative about it. I think a lot of people just had way too high expectations. I mean, sure I can understand why. We've been waiting for YEARS for this game. But this happened to FF15 as well (I still love FF15 just to be clear). Now I don't know anything about the ending. I think it's kinda stupid to look up the ending of a game you've been looking forward for years. Just my opinion. But didn't Nomura say they've left out the epilogue/secret ending(s) and stuff and saved them for the day 1 patch? So that means this isn't even the full ending. Also, leaving the franchise over an ending seems really silly to me.
  15. That's some nice invisible Keyblade action
  16. Some of you guys really depend way too much on these leakers. Stay calm. Wait for the game to come out. Play it, than you can judge it all you want.
  17. It's number 10. Idk if they're supposed to be her knives but to me they look a lot like them
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