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About Haven37

  • Birthday 02/28/1993

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  1. This doesn't deserve to be called a limited edition, it's basically just a pre-order bonus. Compared to the Japanese CE, this is pretty pathetic. Buuuuuuuut........I actually like it. I'm a big fan of pins, so to have a KH one is awesome. Something i've noticed though, the NA announcement reveals the box art while the european announcement doesn't. Is the box art for Europe going to be different I wonder?
  2. I've been watching Avatar: The last Airbender lately. I'm currently on Book 2.
  3. Metal Gear Solid 3 Snake Eater is actually my favourite game of all time. I love the Metal Gear series! I'm also a long time fan of Pokemon. Been playing them ever since Red/Blue/Yellow. Drakengard and Nier also have a place in my heart. I'd consider Nier another one of my favourite games of all time.
  4. I've always laughed at that scene,ever since I first played the game. Her run mixed with that laugh, there's just something about it
  5. Wow this is pretty good! But I know it'll go down as soon as GTA V is out.
  6. I'd love Kingdom Hearts on the vita! I remember hearing that Sony asked Square-Enix if they were interested in making a Kingdom Hearts for vita, with Nomura answering that he wants to take the series back to home consoles. I'd be happy if Square just released BBS on the PS Store! ^_^
  7. I thought she did a great job as Aqua, she never sounding "off" to me. I hope she returns as Aqua! Terra's voice actor however...
  8. I don't know, I like the Uncharted series but I don't love them. I'd prefer a new Jak ^_^ Although, we are overdue an Uncharted racing game
  9. If KHIII does have playable characters, I'd want it to be: Sora, Riku and Kairi.
  10. I used to love it, I even own the complete DVD boxset. But then I got burnt out from it, I know all the jokes and can quotes a lot of lines that I just find it hard to really enjoy it anymore. I'll still watch it if there is nothing else on though.
  11. Hatsune Miku Project Diva F Rayman Legends (Vita)
  12. I actually liked it in KH1, but absolutely hated it in KH2. I enjoy the characters and story (I should say that I love 'The Little Mermaid' movie!), and the swimming mechanics never really bother me. But the musicals in the second just make me cringe... I actually muted my TV during those parts.
  13. Haven37


    Thanks for the welcome everyone ^_^ Thanks xDI'm from Liverpool, England
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