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Everything posted by MasterWorlock

  1. The one on the right has a scar on his left eye, along with the hair,sleeves,etc. I'm pretty sure its Young Xehanort and Young Eraqus. Also YX sounds to be already tainted by darkness and seems to be confronting YE in his coy way about knowledge he thinks has been withheld from him and kept between YE and their Master, and YE acts as if he is oblivious to his animosity saying things like "Yep, the master loves telling that story." but when YX brings up the Lost Masters his tone slightly changes with "Nope, Where'd you hear about that?" then YX sensing the falter follows up with " On that land shall darkness prevail and light expire...But you knew that, didn't you ?". To me it looks as though this YX is older than the one we see in KH3D judging from the neck and jaw line.
  2. The one on the right has a scar on his left eye, along with the hair,sleeves,etc. I'm pretty sure its Young Xehanort and Young Eraqus. Also YX sounds to be already tainted by darkness and seems to be confronting YE in his coy way about knowledge he thinks has been withheld from him and kept between YE and their Master, and YE acts as if he is oblivious to his animosity saying things like "Yep, the master loves telling that story." but when YX brings up the Lost Masters his tone slightly changes with "Nope, Where'd you hear about that?" then YX sensing the falter follows up with " On that land shall darkness prevail and light expire...But you knew that, didn't you ?". To me it looks as though this YX is older than the one we see in KH3D judging from the neck and jaw line.
  3. I think that if they do marvel it wont be like"going to comix wurld in da gummi ship lulz" it would be something subtle that works, for example Sora goes to shibuya and the world is like it is in twewy there could be a shop and when you go inside there are some comics just like the winnie the pooh book. I feel like people are afraid a star wars or marvel world would be a mandatory thing you have to complete that would stick out and ruin the aesthetic and importance of your quest or that it would take the spot of a more wanted world. If its marvel just make it pages like the 100 acre wood so that way for those who want it can have it, and those who don't want it don't have to even see it. As for SW if they do that it won't be anything we have seen before it will be all episode vii stuff and later since by the time this game comes out the movie will have been released and the merchandising will be in full swing so disney is going to want their new SW stuff in the game and since I have not seen the movie I can't say whether or not it would fit better than previous entries. I personally wouldnt want to see either of these in the game, but SE is a business and Disney likes money so I have accepted the high probability of it being in the game and hope that they take a similar approach and dont shove it down our throats.
  4. Peace Walker HD and R&C HD both have online support
  5. I just had a weird image of the end of crisis core but instead of zack and cloud its terra and ventus 0_0
  6. They could just make so you go into a comic like the winnie the pooh world and each panel is a thing like in the pooh world and then it wouldnt be out of place since they arent in an actual place with other characters. For example you could be in Shibuya and go into a shop and the comics could be on the shelf and when you open them you get sucked in. That doesnt seem far-fetched at all to me.
  7. I dont get why people are so opposed to this concept, first of all it would be optional. and second of all you play with companions through out most of the game the only thing that would be different is 1 characters AI. This isnt a battle arena it would be drop in drop out co-op, think about the final xemnas fight in kh2 if I was controlling sora and my buddy was playing as riku us playing together would have no adverse effect whatsoever, if anything it would have added to the fight and made it feel as though we had to work together to defeat the enemy. and if you dont want to work with someone thats fine because its optional, and if your'e worried that it would detract from the overall quality of the game; you shouldnt be. It would be no different than you change your character with a code, all the characters have their own combos,animations,voices, and equip slots already programmed the only thing needed is to execute them with button inputs or scripting . I really wish that this community was more open to new things instead of being so neophobic. even still. I love it
  8. I think that the only way it would be teen rating is if there was blood, use of tobacco( cid ang his cigs), alchol, or mild language other than that it will still be E10+ since death is going to happen in the game anyway
  9. Of course he will be in it. I don't even know why anyone would think otherwise, KH3 and FFV13/FF15 are basically sibling games and FF15 is the most hyped FF in a long time plus he just fits to well to not be included since he has control over swords.
  10. Gilgamesh. Because he collects rare swords and the keyblade is the rarest of them all. also he has been in almost everything related to Final Fantasy http://finalfantasy.wikia.com/wiki/Gilgamesh_(Character)
  11. Yes he likes it, Though he was skeptical at first because he loves turn based rpgs and was not really interested in the disney aspect but after a few hours he started to enjoy it and ended up beating KH1 and Chain of Memories in 2 weeks. I told him to waint until after KH2 to watch 358. Im gonna have him play them in release order instead of chronological because I want him to have the same questions and experience that all of us had
  12. No I was bringing a friend of mine into the series and he recently borrowed and beat my copy of 1.5 and he wanted to see what was different between KH1 and KH2. Sorry about the confusion
  13. If Square actually makes the game look like this I may forgive them for FFXIII and XII-2, Lightning Returns is alright. And if they make it look better than this I will never doubt them again
  14. Wow I didnt even read the 1st post I was thinking of playing as Old MX just walking through some world getting attacked by heartless and him just swatting them in one hit but keeping a steady pace since he isnt in a rush to do anything , but as far as terranort I dont think there would be much to play inbetween those 2 events
  15. When I was looking for a video to show a friend I'm bringing into the series I stumbled across this. Watch in HD for your eye souls Although this is through the magic of video editing by adding some motion blur it does wonders for the game and combined with a 1080p resolution (the recorder is only in 720) it would be amazing
  16. If they do it they should make it like the beginning of the force unleashed where you play as Vader and you kill everything if you dont know what I mean wtch a video of it
  17. Co-Op with 1 or 2 friends as party members Different Keyblades have different combos and also being able to upgrade Keys like in 358/2 days Revamped Item Shops that include phoenix downs and more varied accesories MATERIA so that we dont have to stop using a keyblade if we like it/ diff keyblades have a diff num. of materia slots More Magic levels like Blizzagun or Stopza,more combos,more ablities, a real quick run,more high level spells like meteor and ultima Fully voiced everything including non-cutscenes( like when your talking to people and their mouth is moving but no sound) Bigger Worlds/More Worlds/Bigger Spaces between area transitions Tidus and Wakka returning Noctis. Noctis teaching Sora/Riku his sword teleport thing Aeris Dies. *come on Synthesizing more Keyblades than just Ultima Weapon Keyblade Armor for the new gen or at least gliders so they can travel through the realm of darkness Better Gummi Ship everything Changeable clothes Dual Wield at some point w/out forms,Shot lock strike raid, Limit Breaks, Treasure Planet Wall-e Zidane Cecil Spirited Away-I can dream Lea playable,Kairi Playable, Mickey Playable,Aqua Playable,Ven Playable, Terra Playable Some Way to run faster. Sleeves for Riku. geez Sidequests that are rewarding MP mix between KH1 and KH2 Better flowing combat,make L2 and R2 useful Day Night cycle/versions for some worlds So much more that I cant even fit onto 1 page.
  18. People Forget that for Star Wars There are many different art styles they could go with. They could use CG Clone Wars or Genndy Clone Wars they could use the Kingdom Shader to make everyone look like how they do in the cutscenes or go with a SWTOR semi-realistic style which is similar to how they looked in the ps2 games. People need to understand that KH3 is not going to look like KH2 or any game that uses that art style . Its going to look like the openings which will work fine with a realistic world like Tron, POTC, Star Wars or anything else like that. rant FIN.
  19. imo BBSV2 should just be similar to Advent Children. Make it a feature length film about 2 hours long, and should wrap up some of the loose ends that a second game would have. For example, why mickey or yen sid didnt save aqua, who the dream eater red eyed guy is, what eraqus is doing inside terras heart and what happened to him after terranort got nobodied/heartlessed etc. I think this would serve the purpose fine of telling the story of what would have happened after BBS. And it would look amazing basically the entire movie would like the games openings, and you could see the emotions and subtleties of the characters more that in-game art. The movie should just come as a second disc with 2.5 or come out in 2015 or It could come out at any point between now and when kh3 releases because it would not break Nomuras promise about there being no more GAMES before KH3. Im interested to see what someone else thinks about my idea.
  20. YES! If Sora gets the keyblade glider that would be amazing.
  21. Well something from the FF7 universe is confirmed due to Cloud and Sephy finishing they're fight elsewhere, as for Pixar it seems like that is a preety good bet, Marvel I could do without, Star Wars would fit really well. The set up could be that MX or Xigbar/Barig? could go to the emperor or vader and tell them to build the death star(since we never know how he came up with the idea) and give them power over the heartless or nobodies and they could look like a stormtrooper type enemy, and later when sora or riku etc. shows up it could play out like bbs where you have diff. characters visiting the same worlds at diff. times. Say sora arrives in the gummi ship or glider and land on tattoine but they miss the spaceport and are in the desert and have to fight they're way out they arrive at a small moisture farm and ask directions to the spaceport where they encounter luke. I have a whole story for the worlds I would like to see but anything is possible in the wonderful world of disney.
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