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Everything posted by gothamninja394

  1. You have to be in the top 20, every single day through September 10th, which the Gotham Ninja will do
  2. much posts and contributions to make here

  3. The contest actually drew the Gotham Ninja here, however the Gotham Ninja intends to be active even after the contest ends
  4. Actually from seeing your other posts, I get the memo, fool Sorry, the Gotham Ninja had to Thanks man, and I already am This place is EPIC! A KH fandom paradise!
  5. I have to agree with you, much as I'm ready to play KH3, people dont seem to get that the additional games are necessary for KH3 to actually make sense. Otherwise, we get a new story and everyone who didnt play the other games'll be like, WHAT THE HECK'S GOIN ON!? And though some of the things covered in the spin-off games are covered in flashbacks, there are some things that they dont show you.
  6. My bad on both parts, next time I will give it a more descriptive and less confusing title.
  7. Not being unreasonable, but 28 dollars doesnt get you a psp and I need all I've got for other things besides games right now

    1. Ghost


      Good luck dude, you can do it!

    2. gothamninja394


      Thanks man :) And you're right, I can and I will :D

    3. ReikuSSR


      I maybe selling one soon.

    4. Show next comments  60 more
  8. Thanks but atm, I dont have the cash. And I know, its part of the price problem I'm dealing with. I've gotta get the system plus the game and the memory card, but I require the money for all 3 of them, which I dont have atm. Also trying to make sure I dont spend what I have on games when I've more important things to buy as well you know?
  9. Maybe, maybe not. It would depend on several things; pricing, content, ect
  10. Consoles: Ps2, Gamecube, Laptop and Xbox 360 Handhelds: GBA SP, DS Lite, 3DS That makes for a total of 4 consoles and 3 handhelds
  11. Nothin wrong with waiting, I commend you guys for your patience though I couldnt bring myself to wait. But this will probably be the last vid game I prebuy for a while.
  12. Depends on how you obtain it, like say if you used an ar device. Thats cheating. Gameshark, thats also cheating. If someone traded it to you or you went to a place in the real world where they're distributing them for free, or say a wifi distribution, thats not cheating. Pokegen is cheating however and it'll mess up your games too. But there is a way you can get those pokes that you want without cheating and its a time saver too.
  13. Dude, I dont recommend pokegen to anyone as not only is it cheating, but you're risking messing up your game.
  14. As you all know, Pokemon X and Y will be out next month on the 12th. So I'd like to ask, who here has reserved a copy of either X or Y, or both if you have and who hasnt, who will get a copy after and who wont? Think that'll explain it enough I myself already have a copy of Y reserved, and I can hardly wait to pick it up
  15. I already decided on Froakie, it may look ugly but as I've learned over the years since Red and Blue, never judge a poke by its appearance
  16. This is what we trainers have been waiting for, POKEMON IN 3D! X and Y along with KH 3D: Dream Drop Distance were my main reasons for getting a 3ds from the get go and all the updates have only fueled my excitement for the new games that much more
  17. Actually yes, twice actually but I cant remember which of my pokes had it, I just remember that the first time was in Ruby version, which was before I knew how awesome the pokerus really was. The second time was from a poke I'd won in a contest.
  18. Im working on it, however obtaining a psp has been rather difficult, mostly because of the price. And as for the other two, i have the games but Im stuck atm. Hopefully I can get finished with the tomorrow, just trying to make sure Ive enough time for everything Ive got to do. Ntl, I will try
  19. Who has yet to play BBS or complete Re:Coded or Dream Drop Distance?
  20. Nope, I didnt even know it existed until today. But it sounds awesome
  21. Hello everyone, the Gotham Ninja here Should have joined a long time ago considering how much I treasure the Kingdom Hearts series. I have to say that it was a contest that brought me here, however I will do my best to post here as much as I can though it will be hard. I've loved the series since the first game was released but didnt actually start playing until obtaining Chain of Memories for the GBA and then I moved to KH2, then I tried out KH1 at last and since I've done my best to get a copy of every single title in the Kingdom Hearts series. Its an amazing story, and since I love stories so much I cant bare to miss out on even a single piece of it. But anyways, hope to post more in the future and I look forward to talking with everyone here
  22. Truthfully I cant quite remember how I found the place, but I assume I was searching for info on Kingdom Hearts 3 as well as Re:Mix so that I can stay updated and happened to end up here
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