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About XxVanitasxX420

  • Birthday 08/12/1994

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    Exactly what i said
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  1. I know its from 2 but I was wondering if it was right after the roxas and sora fight or sometime before but Kaweebo makes a good point. Thanks for the input
  2. Is that from days or is it them meeting up one last time before they both "vanished". It really confused me. Really good scene though
  3. Oh I just thought since it was a special condition they would have special heartless. Thanks for your response
  4. I was just wondering and have been wondering for a while. Haven't been through forums in a long time so if this has been covered sorry.
  5. Hey guys thanks for the input, and sorry i took long i've been playing Kingdom Heart 1.5 and gta 5 like crazy lol
  6. Yea i either get it tomorrow or the next day! cant wait
  7. Damn you UPS You better get here tomorrow or i will send your delivery man to the Realm of Darkness!!
  8. Destiny Islands, Traverse Town,and Radiant Garden Possibly Halloween town but i doubt it and i'd like to see The World That Never Was
  9. That would be a terrible idea! Harry Potter is w.e but it doesn't belong in KH games.
  10. Yea man so sorry for your loss. My best wishes to you and your family just remember that life is one hell of a ride and you gotta stay strong till the very end. May god or whoever you believe help guide you through your tough times.
  11. Damn thats terrible thats why i dont keep my dogs in my room when im not home
  12. Same here! the only times i wont be playing i'll be watching my sister play when she gets home from work lmao but i got a month to get platinum before i get a job again
  13. I like the crowd thing i'd also would like to see like an online team deathmatch sorta thing with Light vs.dark and the more the more characters you can unlock. Also the skateboard thing was awesome! I also would like to switch the tradition party Sora, Donald and Goofy to whomever you want like people from different world (as usual) and other keyblade wielders ex. Kairi, Riku, Lea, Mickey. Also drive forms and some kickass mini games and side missions. Would also like if you can create your own character for online modes and build your own keyblade with personalized keychains
  14. idk some people only played 1 and 2 cause they didnt have the handhelds. Me personally I have'nt played CoM or 3D (but im about to borrow a 3DS from a friend who has the game)
  15. oh ok lolsz good one. i was seriously gonna flip shit if that was the case lol
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