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Everything posted by JayReaper

  1. Honestly who cares. The only people who's opinions will hold any merit will be the accredited reviewers from major gaming communities like IGN and Gamespot, and those will be the people who have played every game in the series. Their judgement of the game will be the only ones that people actually pay any attention to. Then there's everyone else. There's a word for these people, they are called the internet, and while their numbers are close to infinite and they believe that what they say is the most important and valued opinion spoken since the "I Had A Dream" speech, they fail to realize that nobody gives a shit.
  2. Yeah some parts of the series can get pretty dark. Then you have scenes like the end of 3D when Sora is having a tea party with a talking duck and a talking dog.... So I'd say it's pretty balanced haha.
  3. I haven't played 358/2 Days but yes they do mention it, Xemnas sends Axel to Castle Oblivion in order to find the Chamber of Waking. As to why Xemnas wants to find Ventus I am not sure, but it is most likely due to the fact that Terra still has some minor influence over Xemnas (His body)Could also be for the reason you stated. Like I said, haven't played Days.
  4. Blasphemy! Haha JK, I hope you have a PS3 though so you can get 1.5 tomorrow, KH1 is arguably the best in the series.
  5. Isn't that because everyone sees Xion differently depending on who they knew the most out of the people that are connected to Sora?
  6. I think this is an appropiate time to bump this thread lol. So does anyone know for sure? I'm about to call gamestop.
  7. I just did some deep research on 3D and how the time travel works and how that whole plan worked out and man that is some major buttfiretruckery Nomura cooked up. He has a lot of work to do if he's going to make KHIII even remotely understandable to casual fans lol.

    1. RoxSox


      It's the casual fans fault for not keeping up. You don't have to own the game or the system to watch the scenes on youtube or read a story recap. If they were ignorant enough to ignore any Kingdom Hearts game that didn't have '3' plastered on it, then it's their fault if they're confused as firetruck.

    2. JayReaper


      Oh I absolutely agree. Though I've played through 3D twice now and watched the cut-scenes countless times and I still feel like I learn something new every time. Nomura has a way of creating such a beautiful yet at the same time painfully convoluted story. Which is why I love it so much haha.

    3. Isaix
  8. Does anyone know if Gamestop is going to have a midnight release tonight? Or is that something that depends on location?

  9. So since I got my tonsils removed a couple weeks ago and have been out of work I've been spending an unhealthy amount of time browsing the KingdomHearts wikia in anticipation for KH1.5HD. I was doing a lot of research on the chambers of repose and waking and I have a feeling that the chamber of repose is going to have some major part in the KH3 plot, since it holds Aqua's armor and is basicly the counterpart to the room where Ventus is sleeping. I think it could possibly be used as some kind of portal to Aqua's location in the Realm of Darkness, or maybe there will be a major battle in this room with Xemnas where he ends up struggling to keep Terra's memories out of his head and this is where they finally free Terra. I think it would be kind of cool since we have only seen it in cutscenes. What do you guys think?
  10. Alright I admit I stand corrected. In my defense 358 Days is the only game in the series I haven't played. I'm basing my opinions of Roxas solely off of KHII and his minor appearances in 3D.But hey, atleast I'll finally get to see him in action tomorrow
  11. I agree with you 100% But give them the same outfit and there's no denying that they are pretty much impossible to distinguish from each other. Even their personalities are pretty identical.
  12. All I really want is for this game to be the longest game in the series by miles. I have yet to play a Kingdom Hearts game that dissapointed me so I trust that whatever Nomura decides in the end will be phenomenal, but if I manage to beat this game in a under a week I'm going to be livid. After all these years, there's no way he can screw this one up.
  13. Ventus' heart was with Roxas the entire time Sora was sleeping.
  14. I doubt it but I kind of wish he would. People are going to hate me for this but If it were up to me Roxas would merge with Ventus in KH3 and they would become one person, sharing the memories of both Ventus and Roxas combined. I know everybody wants Roxas to come back as his own person with his own heart but I honestly hate the idea of having two identical characters with the same voice and almost indistinguishable personalities.
  15. What could BBS Volume 2 even possibly be about?
  16. It was said in 3D that history can't be changed, this would be impossible.
  17. This actually took me forever so if it's not chosen i guess I can use it as my sig lol. Inspired by the movie 8 Mile Goofy's head is from an official render though so idk if that violates copyright issues. Probably does lol.
  18. I know right? Just because someone can wield a keyblade doesn't mean they instantly become playable.Besides Sora, the only other character i can see having their own personal story is Riku.
  19. I'm hoping there aren't many more recurring characters in the new organization. It's time for some new villains.
  20. I already pre-ordered the PS4, I'm getting one the day it comes out. I have a job.
  21. From what I can recall, Nomura said in an interview that Xemnas always had the ability to wield the keyblade but he just chose not to.
  22. I really want to know why Xemnas never used Xehanort's keyblade. I think that's one of the biggest plot holes in the entire series. It makes Roxas' whole purpose in the Organization irrelevant knowing that Xemnas had the ability to wield a keyblade.
  23. It must get annoying when someone that hasn't seen the way you post before assumes you're just an asshole haha.
  24. I just beat Saints Row IV, not the best game but I had a party at my house over the weekend and everyone loved it. It's probably one of the only games I'd prefer to play drunk lol. Also this.
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