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Everything posted by JayReaper

  1. The Gummi ship mission leading to TWTNW kind of resembles an Empire fleet from the original Star Wars movies
  2. The old mansion is still a pretty mysterious place. I think theres more to it than just some random building Ansem the Wise set up his base of operations in. Hopefully they'll explore its origin.
  3. They should have added a secret boss after you beat xehanort in BBS in Terra's story where you fight Sora after he appears in the Keyblade Graveyard.

    1. Nero Kunivas

      Nero Kunivas

      That would have been pretty cool actually! I find this lack of a Sora Boss Fight in KH disturbing...

  4. If Disney bought the rights to DC instead of Marvel i would totally welcome this version of Batman into the KH universe. http://www.polygon.com/2014/7/24/5932343/batman-final-fantasy-designer-tetsuya-nomura-kingdom-hearts
  5. No, I enjoyed them when they were on handheld, now i get to enjoy them even more on console. Plus i can appreciate the new HD remastered versions more than someone who has just jumped into the series.
  6. . Yeah, that's kind of what I was getting at. It would be like fighting an army of Lingering Sentiments. There'd probably be a lot of rage quitting if that were actually the case though haha.
  7. Not sure how new or reliable this source is but i found this article pretty interesting. http://venturebeat.com/2013/10/08/square-enix-partners-with-indiegogo-to-form-its-own-kickstarter-like-service/ I wonder if they would use this to speed up the development process of KH3 and FFXV as well.
  8. What about ghosts of the keyblade graveyard. That would be kind of cool if every enemy we fought had a keyblade.
  9. So im level 100 in KH1.5, have the Ultima weapon, and defeated every boss in the game on proud.... Now what do I do?

    1. Philip Ellwell
    2. EternalReckoning


      get all dem trophies and play recom

    3. Saber Lily

      Saber Lily

      You speedrun evry world killing evrything for fun? Totally what I'm gonna do brfore fighting Ansem xD

  10. Who knows, maybe Kingdom Hearts is sort of like a Hive-mind for the Heartless, a collective conciousness.
  11. A new outfit really wouldn't complicate anything. Sora is facing his toughest foe yet, so Yen Sid gives him new, more fitting clothes for the battle. As for Drive forms, wouldn't we like to see some new ones anyway? His new clothes could grant him the power to tap into his old drive forms plus give him new powers if that's the route Nomura wants to take gameplay-wise.
  12. I like this idea, kind of reminds me of the Templars from Assassin's Creed. I can see them targeting Riku and Sora having to save him, would be a nice change since it's usually Riku protecting and saving Sora.
  13. I think yellow and black looked good for his Master form, id say red and black but i hope they use that scheme for Lea's new outfit, assuming they get rid of his black coat
  14. If any of the protagonists are going to die, i think it will be Terra. He is the one who has suffered the most because of Xehanort and also the one who has indirectly caused most of the bad things to happen in the series. He bestowed the ability to wield a keyblade to Riku and made him want to seek out other worlds. Had that not happened Riku would have never seen the keyhole to Destiny Islands and opened it up to darkness and who knows how Ansem's plan would have played out. You can even argue that he is more a part of Xemnas than Xehanort is. If he were to die though it would be in a majorly heroic sacrifice that would probably put an end to Xehanort for good. His redemption for succumbing to darkness and letting Xehanort in. Even still, I don't think it's very likely to happen.
  15. Make sure to cast aeroga and exit the area as soon as they spot you because those fuggers will take you out quick
  16. I'm going to go out on a limb here but if we could switch between Sora, Riku, and Kairi at will just like you switch between the characters in GTAV that would actually be really cool. I beat GTAV and the system works, the whole game still felt like one massive linear story, no reason it woudn't work for other games.
  17. There's a really good guide i found on gamefaqs that helped me beat him on my first try on proud mode, i'll try and find the link
  18. Nah but I hope Sora, Riku, Kairi and the disney crew are the only ones that transfer over to the next saga (with the exception of maybe a few minor cameos) I want them to start fresh with the same characters the series began with.
  19. I don't think Walt is going to side with the DEA in the way you put it. I think they'd find it a bit odd that Hank's car wash owning brother in-law knows so much about the drug-lords he was looking in to, to them Walt is just an average civilian. I also don't think it's Walt's nature to "team up" with anyone, he might tip them off, but to me Walt's always been a lone wolf. I do agree with you that Walt is going to free Jesse however. I think that after last night's episode, Walt realized that his relationship with his family was doomed, which is why he distanced himself from her on the phone so harshly when clearly he was very upset about losing them. That being said I think Walt really thinks of Jesse like a son and is going to realize Jesse is the only person left that might be able to accept him for who he has become, and since his own family is in ruin, he'll go to save Jesse. I think Walt is going to sneak into their lab and kill the little asspie looking blonde haired firetruck (I forgot his name) and Uncle Jack is going to seek revenge by burning Walt's house down with his family still inside. Which brings us to our flash forward/finale and why his house is firetrucked up, but now it's Walt's turn. I think there is a solid mutual agreement among fans that Walt has to die at the end, he's the tragic anti-hero, it's been his fate all along. But i think that's too cliche for Vince Gilligan. I think Walt is going to end up being the only one left, I think his family is going to go down, I think Jesse is going down, and I think Jack's crew is going down too. WaIt will have his empire at the end, but at the cost of everyone he started it for in the first place. The last scene should then show Walt with all of the barrels of money behind him as he sits on his throne, Jack's crew slaughtered in front of him, as we see him pull out the ricin cigarette and put it in his mouth while the screen turns to black... That's my theory anyway, Breaking Bad needs to end pretty firetrucking dark so i can forget about the fluffy fairytale that Dexter has turned into, lol.
  20. False. There is another entrance in the lotus forest that drops you down on to the hedge, and its not where you think. The entrance is on the side of the lotus forest closest to the queen's courtyard and you need glide in order toget to it.
  21. I think it's the fact that Xemnas likely did not grow a heart like most of the other nobodies. He is the living embodiment of what it means to be a nobody, emotionless. I think this is because Xemnas accepted what he was, he knew he was just a pawn in Master Xehanort's (His true self) grand scheme, he had no reason to try and emulate emotions and friendships in order to feel like a real person like Axel, Roxas, and Xion did. He was just playing his part. What I find very interesting though is that when the vague memories of Aqua and Ventus surface because of Terra's influence, he seems to act differently, like Terra's memories are causing him to experience some emotions he can't feel under Xehanort's influence.
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