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About JayReaper

  • Birthday 12/07/1993

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  • Member Title
    The Notorious B.I.G.
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  1. The Gummi ship mission leading to TWTNW kind of resembles an Empire fleet from the original Star Wars movies
  2. The old mansion is still a pretty mysterious place. I think theres more to it than just some random building Ansem the Wise set up his base of operations in. Hopefully they'll explore its origin.
  3. They should have added a secret boss after you beat xehanort in BBS in Terra's story where you fight Sora after he appears in the Keyblade Graveyard.

    1. Nero Kunivas

      Nero Kunivas

      That would have been pretty cool actually! I find this lack of a Sora Boss Fight in KH disturbing...

  4. If Disney bought the rights to DC instead of Marvel i would totally welcome this version of Batman into the KH universe. http://www.polygon.com/2014/7/24/5932343/batman-final-fantasy-designer-tetsuya-nomura-kingdom-hearts
  5. No, I enjoyed them when they were on handheld, now i get to enjoy them even more on console. Plus i can appreciate the new HD remastered versions more than someone who has just jumped into the series.
  6. . Yeah, that's kind of what I was getting at. It would be like fighting an army of Lingering Sentiments. There'd probably be a lot of rage quitting if that were actually the case though haha.
  7. Not sure how new or reliable this source is but i found this article pretty interesting. http://venturebeat.com/2013/10/08/square-enix-partners-with-indiegogo-to-form-its-own-kickstarter-like-service/ I wonder if they would use this to speed up the development process of KH3 and FFXV as well.
  8. What about ghosts of the keyblade graveyard. That would be kind of cool if every enemy we fought had a keyblade.
  9. So im level 100 in KH1.5, have the Ultima weapon, and defeated every boss in the game on proud.... Now what do I do?

    1. Philip Ellwell
    2. EternalReckoning


      get all dem trophies and play recom

    3. Saber Lily

      Saber Lily

      You speedrun evry world killing evrything for fun? Totally what I'm gonna do brfore fighting Ansem xD

  10. Who knows, maybe Kingdom Hearts is sort of like a Hive-mind for the Heartless, a collective conciousness.
  11. A new outfit really wouldn't complicate anything. Sora is facing his toughest foe yet, so Yen Sid gives him new, more fitting clothes for the battle. As for Drive forms, wouldn't we like to see some new ones anyway? His new clothes could grant him the power to tap into his old drive forms plus give him new powers if that's the route Nomura wants to take gameplay-wise.
  12. I like this idea, kind of reminds me of the Templars from Assassin's Creed. I can see them targeting Riku and Sora having to save him, would be a nice change since it's usually Riku protecting and saving Sora.
  13. I think yellow and black looked good for his Master form, id say red and black but i hope they use that scheme for Lea's new outfit, assuming they get rid of his black coat
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